
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


After having my third all nighter, I would like to credit some authours for writing some damn awesome books which mostly include very hot guys who I wish existed.

First, Meg Cabot- although I have to admit you do have a habit of writing your stories so that all the characters sound exactly the same, your older books such as the Mediator series and 1-800 where are you have brought me to tears of laughter, sadness and happiness. I just finished reading the last Mediator series Twilight and I can say that for certain (no offense Stephanie Meyer, this is just my opinion) that your book SMACKED the other Twilight in the face. I love Suze's sense of humour, her honesty and just irony. Very clever. I wish I could kick some butt like her. Same for Jess, who is also equally funny and tough though I admit I like Suze better just because I've been with her longer. Also, you do have some INCREDIBLY HOT guys in your books, all of them extremely attractive but the best guy has to be JESSE DE SILVA! Just the hotest guy ever. It makes me sad that theres no guys like that in real life. Also I wanted to punch Paul but because Meg's Damn you Meg! Anyways, you write books with the most interesting topics to them (ghosts, physic powers, princesses, brain switching, king arthur myths etc) which is why I love your books. I'm looking foward to Abandon as I also looove Greek myth based stories- I hope that it has the same pow to it as it did to the Mediator series and 1-800 series. Keep writing like you use to! :)

Secondly, a gulp of reality- Sarah Dessen, the queen of making the most... how do I explain it? After reading one of your books, I am filled with hope, thoughts, and emptiness. It is super hard to explain, but it is as If I am satisfied after reading one of your books, as if I have gone through an experience, an adventure, been there for Annabel, Macy,  Something is not right here. I first read Just Listen, but at a young age I did not understand what it was about and merely took it as another book I read in an hour. However, in one of my book sales I saw The Truth about Forever- and I know this is bad- and judged it on it's pretty cover. Im sorry, but in this case, you should judge your books on their cover. This book immediately sucked me in, and I re-read Just Listen again, which is now officially my FAVOURITE BOOK. And I have read a lot of books. I have read (in order of dislikes to likes), This Summer, Lock and Key, Someone like You, Dreamland, This Lullaby, Keeping the Moon, Along for the ride, The truth about Forever (ugh! Along for the ride and The truth about forever has to be equal!) and finally, Just Listen. You have made the completely unexpected things into cute, romantic stuff, like learning how to ride a bike, bonding over music, wanting to work at a fastfood resturant/cateering, WAFFLES AND BACON!, cupcakes, the truth game, long all nighters just driving, EVERYTHING. Also, you have made one of the not just dreamy, good looking, but honest, awesome guys which has given me falsehopeandireadlywanttoblameyoufordoingthistobebutijustbecauseyourbooksaretooawesome! Ugh, and so right now I am going to do a long list of You Know your a Sarah Dessen fan when... which I found on your page:

You know your a Sarah Dessen fan when...
  • you find yourself saying 'doneven' and 'bettaquit' to your friends.
  • you dont sleep til 5 reading on a school day
  • you wish that waffle pens actually existed
  • you want rings just like Owen's
  • you use his Anger Management vocabulary, like I-lang, R and R, placeholder
  •  you name your blog after one of her book's quotes
  • you wish that you didnt learn how to ride a bike when you were little so someone would teach you...
  • you feel the need to carry around cupcakes to make the guy you like's ex to get jealous
  • you read her books over and over again
  • you keep saying 'sa-woon' to one of your friends
  • you start loving music, because it reminds you of Owen
  • you start regreting reading Sarah Dessens books because none of the guys fit your music-crazy, artistic, thoughtful, truthful, funny, SD guys
  • you make an playlist on your ipod called Just Listen
  • you want to play games like Gotcha! and truth
  • you want to eat bacon and waffles with Owen
  • you wish you could roam round at night just going into cafe and eating pies
  • Mono-tone Monica reminds you of yourself
  • you wanna date Owen, or a music freak/artistic
  • you want some of those stuff that make your life easier
  • you always say in your head 'dont think or judge, Just Listen'
And now my ideal guy is
OWEN ARMSTRONG, mixed with a little WES and NORMAN, and a touch of DEXTER.

I think its time for a Sarah Dessen book marathon.
You have ruined/created my life, Sarah. I'm looking forward to What happened to Goodbye, will probably be as awesome as your other books!

Im tired. Go to sleep, I have to draw Savannah Georgia now.

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