
Monday, August 22, 2011

Electricity problem

ㄱIts 9:30pm and we havent had any power in our house since three the latest...

It wasn too bad until i realised that i cannot do any homework because a) its on the computer or b) i cant see anything.

Bah humbug.


Its now 5.07am and I should go to sleep. I accidentally slept at 11 waiting for the electricity man and woke up at two to revise for my test. Which i did for like thirty minutes...

So ive been surfing the web the whole time on my phone and i guess i should go to sleep now. The moral of this random story?

Make sure you always have batteries in your torches. Or better, have electricity because it can get annoying.

Anyways goodnight/morning!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Here I am once again

This procrasination is getting old.
And addictive.

Once again, I am SCREWED.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh how lazy I am.

It's Wednesday, and I haven't been to school since last Friday.

Because it's been snowing...

It's snowed twice this year, which is awesome since it didn't snow last year or the year before. When my friends and I found out that it was going to snow again, we started to dance.

I seriously love snow, or at least for the first few days. I mean, it may be freezing cold but you can have snow ball fights, make snowgirls and even skip school.

However, it wasn't until today when reality hit me-snow doesn't last forever.

Which means...

I checked my school website, and I didn't realise that my teachers had put up homework for us. Shit.

School meant sleeping early and waking up early, or most likely sleeping late and waking up early. Or not sleeping at all.

Tomorrow morning, I was probably going to be like this:

In class I'm probably going to be so sleepy that I look like this...

Sleeping becomes an addiction. In morning tea and lunch time that's all I pretty much do, while listening to music.

And when I get home... well I would sleep more if I could but no, I then have HOMEWORK.

The only solution to this is...for it to snow.



Hahaha. I know I'm being lazy. I know that school is good, because it educates us and blah blah.
(But still, more snow would be nice.)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Don't worry, my cheese toastie didn't burn

As I expected, the snow only lasted for a day which actually pleased me because by the time it was evening I was getting sick of the whiteness that was blinding my eyes.

School started on Monday, and I'm doing quite well. It feels like I've been there forever, but I'm not complaining and just dealing with it. It could be worse, because right now school life is pretty chill. 

My obsession? Still got it, and my friend's still think I'm crazy. Buuut it has gotten a lot better, and now I am pretty sane. Ish. 

I've sort of grown apart with one of my closest friends, and I don't really know why. In the holidays we were just in two separate worlds, and although we text each other, we don't ring as much basically because my phone always dies. However, apart from not talking to each other as much, we still seem pretty okay. I guess we're kinda like two sisters, sometimes we don't talk but we'll always have time for the other, and not be judgemental. That's the thing I love about her; we never judge each other no matter how annoying, crazy or just plain stupid we are. I have to admit, that I have been a little distant because I'm not the type of person who actually likes to text or call (I am known to be lazy) but I wish that she'd... I don't know actually but I hope we get to hang out one day because we're both pretty busy lately. 

One thing that's made me proud is that as soon as school started I've been doing pretty well in my homework, and doing it. I don't know how long that will last though. 
We're doing Taming of the Shrew at school and although Shakespeare's language is confusing me, it's really fun.

I'm sorry for having become so boring, but I promise you that I'll have something interesting to say next time! So since my cheese toastie is burning, it's goodbye for now!