
Monday, June 27, 2011

I love you God

Yesturday I came back from this church service, which had been amazing, one of the best ones I'd been to.
I wanted to text about it but because I was on my phone my fingers hurt and I was incredibly tired, so I decided to just write a draft copy and edit it the day after which is NOW.

So on Sunday a couple of friends and I decided to go to a church service kind of thing, which we heard Jayesslee were performing! Duckiee and I LOVE THEM! We love their voice and their humor. They're also my friend's idol because she too wants to sing, play the guitar and perform.
So if you don't know them here's a video:

SO they're Christian which I find really cool! And they sing amazing, even better in person. I was so excited when I saw them, and wanted to talk to them but... (I'll explain later)
Anyways, so they sang and already after the second song I was in tears! And yes, I have been emotional lately but also because she sang a song she wrote herself and wow. The lyrics spoke to the heart, and it was a song that everyone could relate to. I especially could because on friday I had a sort of fight with a friend.
(Btw it's called Failure in Disguise)

I won't go explain what this sort of fight was about, but basically it left us in a awkward situation and I felt so crap because I had just gotten a not achieved mark in social studies, and almost as if a trigger was pushed I started crying, which was pretty embarrassing as I was at school. Long story into short, we were okay but I still felt awful because to me it seemed like it was all my fault (to which my friend (not the one I fought with)said that although i kind of accidentally started it, I didn't mean to and my other friend didn't exactly react how she should have.) The whole weekend I was feeling sick about it, and regretful.
Back to Sunday night, as I heard this song I could feel that it related to me, because I've felt lonely, alone so many times. Also this one line , 'Have you ever felt like you just stepped over the line, and then did you just pretend everything was fine' related to the fight I had. It was just so... coincidental.
Then we had the priest and he was the best priest I had ever heard! As you may know, I'm Korean but I speak English so much better. And it's always been awkward for me when you get those tests and it's like are you english or asian and your like umm.... Because although I love Korea and am Korean, I feel like I'm more   english because I've been living in a english-speaking country for so long. It gets really confusing and annoying, and this man also knew how we felt because he was like that too. He also spoke in english and I could actually understand. He was really inspiring, funny, and his dedication to God was just so... strong and it made  me a little weepy. He also said really important stuff, like how some people don't know how much they're worth, and that everyone is priceless because they cost as much as the blood that Jesus bleed when dying for our sins. That wasn't the only thing that was awesome, but seeing how many people were dedicated to God and loved him was just... I don't really know how to sum it up but it made me all teary, and smiley. Overall, it was such a great experience and I felt so good and happy after it.
The only downside was that after it I really wanted to talk and get a signature from Janice and Sonia but we had to go so I was so disappointed! But I didn't mind too much, because the evening had been so amazing.
Anyways, I'm sorry for not writing in as much detail as I wanted to, but it was just too hard to (edit: just re-read this post and decided it was too long. Ops.). And to end this blogpost, I will put up a photo that includes Pokemon and God=absolute coolness.

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