
Monday, April 18, 2011

Hot water bottles, knitting needles and a box of tissues.

Well I don't want to rant too much, but my favourite program is now Drop Dead Diva. 
Yes, it brought me to tears. I mean, it really taught me how it is like to lose someone, and not being able to have the one you love when they're literally right infront of you.
Basically, it's about this model called Deb who had a car accident. At the same timeish, there is this pushover lawyer called Jane who is super smart who gets shot. Deb ends up in this place where they decided for people to either go to heaven or hell depending on the bad/good deeds you've done. Fred, the guy doing the organizing tells her that she's done no good or bad deeds, and just shallow. Angered, Deb presses the return button returning her to Earth not in her body, but Jane's and now has to live the life of Jane's without anyone else knowing she's Deb apart from her bestfriend Stacey and Fred, her guardian angel. And that's pretty hard when she has to work as a lawyer with the guy she still loves Greyson, Deb's fiancée who is  working also as a lawyer.

AAAAAAHHH! First, Drop Dead Diva is funny, with just the right amount of awwwhness, comedy and drama. It's also sad, and my favourite episode is the one with the clown. It used to just be fun, but then I just started to cry. Although it doesn't have a lot of scenes with Greyson and Deb/Jane, it's so sad for both of them, especially Deb/Jane. I mean, how can you act normal when the guy you love works with you and you see him moving on, even if you know it's the right thing? And don't get me started on the cliffhanger of season 2. I mean, now I have to wait for season 3 until June?! Just insaaane. 

While I was watching this, I was also knitting. Yes, I know how to knit. Since yesturday, I've been knitting a cover for my hot water bottle because it smells like rubber. 

It's taking aaages, but whatever. It's fun, hahahahahaha. 
I'm feeling a little nausea-tic, I think it's because I haven't been out aaall day. Sigh.

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