
Monday, February 28, 2011

Urbanical Shoelaces.

Today, I'm going to teach you to do something when you're bored. GoogleWhacking.
For those who dont know GoogleWhacking, it's when you type in two words into Google and you HAVE to get one result, no less or more. I first found this actually a while ago, in the TTYL series, when Maddie does GoogleWhack. At first, it's really hard, but after even just two results gets really annoying! It was my friend's birthday, or the day after and we were very very bored. And then I remembered- Googlewhacking! So I looked up how to do it, and then we jut began to do it. My very first one was Urbanical Shoelaces, which I was very proud of. After a few, I got stuck and my stupid laptop wouldn't work. On the other hand, Duckiee was awesome at it, and made hundreds of them that kind of made sense. Good girl.

I made a status on Facebook, and then my other friend joined into the world of GoogleWhacking.

Status: Googlewacking is the best with ****. Urbanical shoelaces.

Me:Sorry, I meant Googlewhacking.
Me:Yeah. Googlewhacking.
SL:What is that may I ask?
Me:It's Googlewhacking! You know.
Duckiee: I know. do you know? 
(By this time, we were trying to annoy her with our simplicity of 'you know''s)
SL:No I do not know.
(See? It's contagious.)
Me: Googlewhack- A Googlewhack is a type of a contest for finding a Google search query consisting of exactly two words without quotation marks, that returns exactly one hit.
Duckiee: it's super fun
Me: I've gotten 3 right now.
SL:I still dont understand....I'll search it up on Gooogle
Me:Googlewhack is the new black.
Duckiee:omg it rhymes
SL:I still dont get it. Oh well.
Me:The aim is to type in two words into Google, and get one hit result. For example, when I type in 'hungry pig', it comes out with 7,470,000 results so thats no good. I typed in urbanical shoelaces and that got 1 result which makes it a Googlewhack. Got it?
Duckiee:Calm little one
SL:OHHHHH So two words, one hit. RIGHT. Its hard
Me: Good girl. I've got 3 Googlewhacks right now. Yeah. I was super happy when I got 3 hits.
SL:....NONE. So, can it be any word, like made up words or real?
Me:Well it can be made-up, but not too made up so there's no results.
SL:I GOT IT...But I still dont have any hits
Me:‎? You have to have ONE hit only.
SL:I know............I still havent found anything :(
Me:I got another one. Splitizen cow. Booya.  
SL:YUSYUS Cakabin instrument
And you get the point, I think. And so by the end of my status, we had gotten some pretty strange GoogleWhacks.
Duarige pet
Omelette colway
lallenid fal
Khruphi fish
rawless carcassonne
espagne parhara
folral beer
pakehara gutted
pandas prareel
urbanical shoelace
vibracator pie
arkhead pinneapple
splitizen cow
omelette colway
jodlex janit
polineds gorgeds
hauklines recipes
clowsies gaugles
crowp bentos
zombie pikedeel
yeti glangula
lionic tyrannosaurus
sqezits opera
And so on. I had a few more of mine, which means that most of these were Duckiee's.Give her a clap!
Now, it;s 12:20am so I'm kind of getting sleepy for once. So, go do some GoogleWhack!
C'mon, I dare you to.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Because I cant be bothered to explain EVERYTHING that has been happening, here are a few bits and bobs of my days:

1. My friends and I were watching Pink's Fucking Perfect, and my friend told me that the music ideo was kind of freaky. I closed my eyes and my friend was like oh it's over, and just as I looked, I saw the most horrific scene- a bath tub with red water, and a arm with cuts all over her arm. Apparently it made a word, but I didnt even notice. As soon as I saw it I instantly screamed, which caused my other friends to scream with me. One of my friends started crying, and then I started laughing while my two other friends were probably thinking, "what the hell." My friend went to the toilet while we started eating chicken wraps and she came out later, laughing and telling me off for scaring her. We are quite strange. Which reminds me, then we started watching other MV, and boy they do have some intense ones. We watched this one by Davichi, and it was extremely sad. I cried in it. It's about- well why don't you watch it instead? . That is so sad, incredibly sad. We also watched this Spongebob episode, and the whole time we were trying to find the original one but it was almost impossible. Very annoying. We watched some Glee, and wow. This girl called Charice, I dont know how old she is, but wow she is amazing! Very good. I dont watch a lot of Glee, but I dont really like Rachael. She looks like she wants to beat up Charice in while Charice is like "YIPPIEEEEE!" She is an amazing singer, Go you! If you arent persuaded, listen to this: .

2. I've been thinking of a list of clothes that I really want. One of the things that I want to buy are those 'bumpants' we call here, or most people would know as 'sweatpants.' I want a grey pair, just to wear at home or somewhere casual because it gets so annoying wondering what to wear when I go out! Geez. Or I want these korean flowery grandma sweatpants, which I find super hilarious and comfy looking. Mmmm. Also some wellies. Red pair.

3. I want to buy this jar and fill it up with pretty stones. I've been wanting to decorate my room recently, you see. I also want to print out some proper photos not made out of paper, but the shiny stuff. Maybe I should get a Poloroid!

4. My friend and I have been talking about flowers, and I really want to decorate my garden with flowers! It has this vintage wooden bench which I love,  but the soil is shit I think, which is why there's no grass and flowers. We do have a grapevine though. It's small, but cute. I need to get flowers which can grow in the shade. Any ideas?

5. Tomorrow along with some other church people, I'm going to help the town out by doing some shovelling! Because I am so strong hahaha. Sadly I have no wellies yet, but I will have to make do with some of my ugg boots or something. This is the least I can do, rather than just snacking at home. A productive day, for tomorrow!

6. Which reminds me... I dont have school until Monday 14th March, which is actually sadly my birthday. Apparently there's suppose to be another huge aftershock the day after, but now I dont really know what to believe so it doesnt really matter.

There are some things which I have learnt thought.
One, dont be inside any old buildings in the city. Two, stay at home most of the time, or somewhere in the park. Three, stay CALM. And get some texts incase of a emergency.


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Seeing your town on the news is very weird. And slightly scary. Kind of like, I know that place! And oh.

I hope all the families out there that have someone missing are okay, and not losing hope. But also preparing themselves for the possibilities.
Because I stil hav my family, and my house, I dont really seem to be affected. But there are hundreds of people out there that have been affected, no houses, water, and some deaths. My principal's husband is still currently missing.

123 deaths, 200 more missing.

I prary for you all, that things will get better. Because everyone is there for you, thinking of you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mmmmmmmm Zero Coca-Cola. Mmmmmm. \

My friend is next to me, and she is making me want to punch a wall. Yes, if you dont get off me soon I will hit you.
3.- Okay she got off.

I really li
5. Okay I hit her in the forehead.
Anyway, I I really like listening to Japanese songs and anime. Some people think that anime is annoying, and some are. I dont really like fantasy ones, with fighting etc but some people do like my sister. But I do LOVE real cute ones about reality and love. So I love ones that are slice of life, school life etc. My favourite one right now is Kimi ni Todoke, 2nd season. It's about this girl called Sawako, who everyone calls Sadako. If you've seen The Ring, there is a girl called Sadako who is real scary. Everyone thinks that Sawako is scary, because she is awkward, has a fringe and super long black straight hair. But she's real nice, and yeah. There's this guy called Kazehaya who i absolutely LOVE. He's the popular, but not arrogant nice guy, who treats Sawako normally. Slowly, a sweet love story is created and it's adorable. Not cliched, but real. People who have experienced crushes will be able to connect with this story.
I really like the animation here. It's slightly realistic, not all super cute and it's HILARIOUS.  I love it whenever Sawako goes into her funny faces.

Aaaaaaaaaah they are sooooo cute! And the story isnt too dramatic, it's just perfect. Realistic. Because somethings dont go in your way, and somethings do. It's still an on-going anime which can be annoying, but the wait is okay because it's awesome. Watch or you will regret it.

And to end my post, here is a photo of me and my best friend that I drew on paint: I put it up on Facebook hahahahaha :)  it's a future when we are Blobs. Cheers!

(P.S you probably won't be able to read the small print. Oh well.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What do you do?

What do you do, when like at least 300 people are still missing, at least 75 people are dead and you're at home eating cookies?

What should I do?
Aren't I suppose to help, like give people a home, water or something to make people feel better? I've been saving water, though I could do better.
It's strange to feel hopeless at your house. Kind of like a prison. I'm so grateful to be alive, with my parents and I slightly feel guilty because I'm alive while some unfortunate people aren't. I know it's cheesy, but there are times when I watch the news and I go oh gosh and kind of want to cry.

What do we do?


Normally, I would make my titles a little more interested, like 'being shaken up', etc but I dont think I really need it to be more interesting.

You see, where I live we get a lot of earthquakes.
Where I live, the first one that was huge was a 7.1 earthquake, that was like around last year September. It was pretty big, because me and my sister were just sleeping, when suddenly everything was shaking. I wasnt really scared at the time, because I was just surprised. Having an earthquake was so sudden.

No one died, apart from one person who had an heart attack, and it wasnt really because of the earthquake.

We've had lots of little aftershocks, which have been seriously annoying, but pretty harmful apart from collapsing more buildings.

Yesturday, it was just a normal day. We were gettig off school early, at 12:00. I live super near my school, and so I walked there, and made some instant noodles. I was watching Spongebob, or whatever when at around 1, suddednly BOOM RUMBLE JZHHGJDSHGJDSHGJDSHGJSDGSD. It felt like the whole grund was moving, and I could see my turtles frantically trying to not get tipped out. Water spilt, my mum's glass plates cracked and although I didnt know, my room was getting slightly trashed. I went under our table, and it ended.

It sounds pretty simple, but it wasnt really. All i could think of was 'not. Again.'
I text my friends, and my family to ask if they were okay. Luckily, they were. SO i just stayed under my table, for a while until my dad came. I'm pretty calm when situations like this happen, so I didnt burst into tears like some people did. Maybe it was because I still had a home, a roof over me, I wasnt stuck in a old building in the city, and I was still alive. Sure, there was no electricity, and water but heck I was alive.

My dad came an our later, and asked if I was okay. I was eating noodles, so I'm pretty sure that I was. Then dad started picking up, cleaning etc. I will now skip through the small facts, and go to the important ones.

So then dad had to go to his office, so I just stayed under the table, with my blanket and a good book to read. Also some biscuits. My neck was hurting, but I didnt mind. That was when I got a text from my friend:

"Apparentally, 65 people died."
That was a shock to me. I mean, where I live isnt too big so that means it would affect everyone. Their aunty's cousin's nephew, or something like that. And 65 was quite a biggy. It turns out, that it was because last time when it happened, everyone was at home sleeping. This time, it was around lunch times when people were in old buildings, eating, in buses where the buildings collapsed. I hoped, and still hope it is no one I know, and that the people who do know them are okay.

After that, my mum came home and she was all like OMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSH. Clearly, I dont get my cool head from mum. She was all panicky, and hysterical. Now, I know that this is serious, and people are still out there stuck but hysteria does not help at all. It was starting to make me annoyed, but I just put up with it. Mum was like muttering under her breath, going 'why is this happening, what do we do' etc. Later we decided to go to find some food to eat, and we went around daries, etc. Then we went to my friend's house for some water.

When we stopped there, I was so happy to be there. My dad had someone to chat to, my mother could be hysterica with someone else and I could talk to someone sane, and calm. I felt so much better to talk to someone, and we did some normal stuff, like go on Facebook. All my friends seemed okay, and we just talked, along with her latest crush. It was all extremely normal, and it was nice. Later on we went home, where the parents were arguing, we sleeped and yeah.

The earthquake is still on the news, and it's still going on. People are stuck, there could be around 200-400 people who might've died, and people's homes are dead. Some people dont have a home now. I am extremely lucky.

One of the things that makes me sad is the Cathedral. The top is no longer there, and it's just sad to see something you've known damaged. Here are some photos:

It's quite strange, to see your small city, that is usually unimportant to be on the news. Not only in our country, but in other countries too.

I hope no one else is hurt, that people I know are safe, and people who are dont know are okay.
We can only hope.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Brains can be stubborn.

I am having an extremely mild mild mild case of writer's block.

Here I am, it's a perfect time, most of my homework is done, I have the laptop completely to myself, no one is interupting me and guess what? My brain is deciding, nope, not tonight.


I mean, inside my head I can imagine what's going to happen, and its exciting. But I cant seem to put it onto paper, and if it did, it would be boring, bland, and a mush. Not nice.

So fine Brain! You won! You get a night's rest, of relaxing even though we havent even written a lot yet, and tomorrow we'll pick up from where we were and type up those idea's inside your head.

It's not everyday when you're brain wins.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I just finished eating a Dunkin Donut CHOCOLATE ICED DONUT MMMMMM- and it was delish! Definately put me into a blogging mood, if that was possible...

So I guess I will blog about what happened in the past few days.

My sister, who is turning 19, left on Saturday to go to her university. On thursday, I had to help her pack her clothes, and basically because we share, this is how it went:

Jenny: pack that, that, this.

Me: Um no, that's mine.

Jenny: but you dont even wear it.

Me: but I bought it, and it was like 50 bucks.

Jenny: UGH FINE.

I let her take this cute red flower skirt, but only because after she left, I realised she left three of her dresses here.... HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA! So I think that was a pretty good deal.

I'm not a bad sister, I mean I was actually a pretty awesome one on the outside. I did what she asked, was a push-over which I hate, let her sleep in my bed etc. It was just if she cried, or something when I backed away. Because I dont know what to do at times like that, and I often find that what I try to say to make people feel better makes it sound worse.

So my sister's friend came over on friday, the day before she left and she was like so, have you written a letter for me? And Im like uh no? And she's like uh hello? Arent you suppose to write your beloved sister, who you arent going to see for like half a year,a letter? So of course I had to write one. I felt quite bad, so i even made her a stress ball onion.Pretty cool, yes.

I didnt get to see her go on saturday, which was like ops, but I hope she's having fun now! On saturday, I had a sleepover at my friend's house, Duckiee. It was loads of fun, and I love how around her I dont have to try to be all happy, and can be whatever I feel like. It would be waaay too long to explain what we did, but I hd a great time.

I went to church the next day with her, and it was pretty good. Oh, I wore this dress which I LOVE. I Bought it on Saturday, and the material is like kinda dark background with flowers etc. It made out of different patches of material, and is kind of like street looking but I love it. It's kind of hippie, only it comes to my knees and a lil higher. I love it! So, we were at church and yeah, and we were like asking this man all these questions, and it was real funny. He's real nice, and he seems like an uncle to me!

We played basketball, but all the guys were like Im so cool so it wasnt too fun. We drank fizzy drinks, and I love diet coke especially at night. Then we went to the bus stop, and before I say this, I just want you to know that Im not the type of girl who talks about guys alot. So, we were at the bus stop and I was listening to my iPod, when this guy in a white singlet, and a ukulele strapped to him was walking bare footed to the bus stop. Okay, so you know how sometimes at a bust stop there is glass on the ground because some idiot smashed the screen? Well that happened, and the guy was just walking over it! And while we were thinking ? then he JUMPS ON IT extremely hard. It was so freaky and weird. Then we couldnt see him, but on the other side he was playing the ukulele with his friend, who we didnt know was there. It was quite cool, and I could tell my friend was thinking that he was quite cool. Sadly the bus went and we had to get on. And so we past Ukulele guy and his friend, and it was very sad. But oh well, time to move on.

I love listening to my iPod. It is the best thing, and I love listening to it extremely loud, so I cant hear anyone else. It's like your watching a music video through your eyes, and you're in a movie. Your a bystander, and no one else knows you. I tried explaining this to my friend, but I dont think she got this.

After the bus, we came to my house, where I was basically freaking out about homework, and we were sleeping. (By the way, I finished most of my important homework apart from math, so that's good phew!). Then what I usually do is type my story on my computer, and then I was majorly freaking out because ICOUDLNTFINDMYFREAKINGUSB!!!! I rang my mum, nope. I looked in my room, nope. The kitchen, nope. It was getting hopeless until I checked my bag and BOOYA IT WAS THERE! So after I finish this blog, and drink a glass of water I am going to type some up, and then sleep.

Which reminds me: since my sister is gone, I now have the laptop, her computer in her room, and the one downstairs to myself. Oh yeah! And the laptop is now in my room, and will live there. Forever.

Sure, I'll miss you Jenny, but I'll make the most of it for now!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


If you are going to invite me to instant message, and then you just tellme to go away, THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN INVITE ME TO TALK IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN I WAS BUSY DOING MY HOMEWORK?

-stomp on certain friend


Anything but Ordinary

Well, for Valentines yesturday:

For the people who have someone they truely love, I hope you had a good day. For the singles out there, go you! I'm sure you had a terrific day just hanging out with your friends, or bumming around at home perfectly fine. And for those people who whether single or not, moan about how annoying/sad/blah Valentines is, SUCK IT UP.

Oh yeah, I went there.
I spent my Valentines just walking around to the mall with my friend. We had a good time, and I laughed at talked a lot. We looked at clothes, and now I found two dresses I want, these brown boots, this plastic toy watch, a couple of hoodies and t-shirts. Then we meet my other friend who we persuaded to buy us some cookies, and I walked home with that friend to my house. We stopped at KFC where I had a load of laughs. Then I went home and typed up like 5 more pages on my story, which is a lot for one day on a school day. Very proud. And that was it, but I still had an awesome day.

Today? Splendid, apart from one fact. When you are in a awkward situation, do not make up some lie, denial but instead just admit it was you. It's better than being caught lying and being even more embarrassed than before.

Now I have to do my math homework, but I dont really feel like it. I'm listening to some real old songs that I was singing with my friend, and I realised that I missed them. So right now it's It Ends Tonight, and I have some songs from Brooke Fraser, who is an awesome singer! And some Avril Lavigne, who use to be my idol. I miss her, because she doesnt seem to have the same hardcore songs but I still love her.

'I'd rather be anything but Ordinary.'

Sunday, February 6, 2011




Thursday, February 3, 2011

A break from reality...

So it's 3:08am right now, and I really should be getting to sleep, but Im trying to not think about school, and so I started reading these series called the the Soul Screamers. I was looking for fantasy YA novels, when I came across this. Lately, just because I wanted to I've been thinking about writing a story. My story was kinda yet not like this, and these series sounded really unique, so I decided to try read them. And although they're not the best, I think it was pretty good and it got better later on.

Basically, there's this girl called Kaylee who screams when she knows someone's going to die soon. She's a banshee, onyl I cant think of the proper word, something like bean sdjfdsh, and yeah. it goes through her problems, and trials she has to go through which btw, is  A LOT.

Now for the romance part...
I didnt feel satisfied with the romance in book 2, and 3 halfway until I found out that (btw if you havent read this, SPOILER!) that Nash isnt really the good guy. You see, Nash is also a banshee, and although he's different from Kaylee, popular etc, he shares this one thing with her, that they are both banshees and helps her at the beginning when she is confused about her species. Then trouble strikes in book 3 when he takes this very addictive drug kinda thing from Netherworld, called demon breath which is basically the breath of a demon. A long story, but Nash gets hit by this breath accidentally and in 3/4 of the book in number 3, he lies to her for a whole month and has been secretly breathing this in although it doesnt affect him as much as it did to Scott and Doug because he is a banshee. Kaylee is upset, and damn right she should be! He lied to her, numerous times, compelled her by force to do things with him, more lying, gum eating to lie, and useed that creepy guy to go into ehr body when she was sleeping so he and Nash could organise when to meet up and get the demon's breath! Now, demon's breath is very addictive, and its hard once you start, but Nash is still to be blamed. There was one part that made me truely sad, when Nash confesses that in order to get the demon's breath, Nash had to trade his past emotions for the evil guy to 'eat.' In which case was his strongest emotions, with KAYLEE!!! So whenever he thinks of when they first kissed, etc he no longer remembers how it felt. This is truely sad, and I feel so sorry for Kaylee. And that ruins their relationship, because although they know they both love each other, Kaylee cant help but not trust him. Which reminds me, in the 3rd and 4th book especially, the people she has to trust (Alec, Nash etc) always KEEPS SAYING something along the lines of 'I promise you that this wont happen again', or 'I promise to help you' etc!!!! I think this was the author's point, that these words were slowly becoming meaningless to Kaylee becuase they were certainly meaningless and annoying epseically when nash said them! I'm not a Nath hater, I just dont know if I will forgive or forget what he has done.

In the 4th book, comes the trouble-Sabine, a living nightmare (literally.) She is a mara, which allows her to read people's fears and turn them into nightmares. She needs to feed on fear to survive. She is Nash's ex, or technically they never broke up. Its hard to explain, but practically she still loves him, and he loves her only as a best friend which still annoys Kaylee (of course! she stillloves him, and they have so many problems!). Sabine and Nash share stuff that Kaylee doesnt have with Nash, like he still has his past emotions of his memories with her , because HE DIDNT TRADE THEM, and he was her first. I still want him and Kaylee to get together, but there is another man I love...

And he is Tod, Nash older dead/well not really dead brother, who is a grim reaper / banshee and helps people's deaths or something like that. He isnt a ghost, but he can appear non visible, or visible to people that he wants to see him. He can go through walls, and is a cocky guy. Although he seems like a trouble maker, and dangerous in the previous books, he has a soft side when in the seond book he tries to save Addison, the girl he loves/loved (if my theory is correct...) from not having her soul captured. Although they failed, this showed Kaylee that a man could truely love a girl. I think that hopefully, Tod will slowly start liking Kaylee. In the 3rd book, only for a little, Tod's iris for the first time because he is usually in good control, changes colors. Banshee''s iris' change color when they are feeling a strong emotion. Although he use to always come and interuppt Nash and Kaylee, he comes up more in the 3rd book for Kaylee, becauase since he cant help Addison, he thinks he can help Kaylee. He cannot forgive what Nash did though. In the 4th book, although he came out far too less that what I liked, he support Kaylee a lot and had scenes with her that made me laugh. However, sadly there was no kapow, and instant love which I guess is reality although his iris nearly always changed when he was with kaylee but Kaylee couldnt think of what it was. He is there when Kaylee needs him, and I hope that there will DEFINATELY be more Taylee or Kod love later on! Nash isnt too bad, but I think Tod is a better catch, apart from well... he's kinda dead.

But no one said that life was easy, especially for Kaylee.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thinking gives you a headache.

It is a serious problem when you are a drama queen and over think things.

So today I had my first day of school (gag me please). Its not that I hate school, but I just do. There was a time when I really enjoyed school, but now I just find it meh. Its okay when I'm at school, but afterwards its just extremely boring and I have too much time to think!

Basically this is my blogpost point: I am in Joo's class again this year.

SAVE ME. Although I was happy to see her in the morning, I didnt want to be in her class! June's also in my class which is good, but I really dont want to lie and be fake to Joo anymore. its not fair on both of us. And I have a feeling that this year I'm going to have to fight with her to either carry on or end our friendship.
Sometimes I wish that she was really good friends with someone else. I know that I'm being a bitch right now, and I cant deny it. Its just that everysingle time I'm with her, my stomache hurts and I feel like I want to throw up. Thats not how your suppose to feel around your friends right?
I'm also in the same class as these girls that I kinda dont like. Those bitches, who think they're so cool and take random photos etc. Also they make me real uncomfortable. But there are some nicer people in the class so I might try and get along with them.

All I can do is go along for the ride, I guess.

I think it's time to calm myself down by reading a book and stop THINKING ABOUT SCHOOL.

I think I'm really boring. Maybe that is my problem.
Also I think Im going to miss my sister when she goes. Although Im not admitting that to her!