
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Normally, I would make my titles a little more interested, like 'being shaken up', etc but I dont think I really need it to be more interesting.

You see, where I live we get a lot of earthquakes.
Where I live, the first one that was huge was a 7.1 earthquake, that was like around last year September. It was pretty big, because me and my sister were just sleeping, when suddenly everything was shaking. I wasnt really scared at the time, because I was just surprised. Having an earthquake was so sudden.

No one died, apart from one person who had an heart attack, and it wasnt really because of the earthquake.

We've had lots of little aftershocks, which have been seriously annoying, but pretty harmful apart from collapsing more buildings.

Yesturday, it was just a normal day. We were gettig off school early, at 12:00. I live super near my school, and so I walked there, and made some instant noodles. I was watching Spongebob, or whatever when at around 1, suddednly BOOM RUMBLE JZHHGJDSHGJDSHGJDSHGJSDGSD. It felt like the whole grund was moving, and I could see my turtles frantically trying to not get tipped out. Water spilt, my mum's glass plates cracked and although I didnt know, my room was getting slightly trashed. I went under our table, and it ended.

It sounds pretty simple, but it wasnt really. All i could think of was 'not. Again.'
I text my friends, and my family to ask if they were okay. Luckily, they were. SO i just stayed under my table, for a while until my dad came. I'm pretty calm when situations like this happen, so I didnt burst into tears like some people did. Maybe it was because I still had a home, a roof over me, I wasnt stuck in a old building in the city, and I was still alive. Sure, there was no electricity, and water but heck I was alive.

My dad came an our later, and asked if I was okay. I was eating noodles, so I'm pretty sure that I was. Then dad started picking up, cleaning etc. I will now skip through the small facts, and go to the important ones.

So then dad had to go to his office, so I just stayed under the table, with my blanket and a good book to read. Also some biscuits. My neck was hurting, but I didnt mind. That was when I got a text from my friend:

"Apparentally, 65 people died."
That was a shock to me. I mean, where I live isnt too big so that means it would affect everyone. Their aunty's cousin's nephew, or something like that. And 65 was quite a biggy. It turns out, that it was because last time when it happened, everyone was at home sleeping. This time, it was around lunch times when people were in old buildings, eating, in buses where the buildings collapsed. I hoped, and still hope it is no one I know, and that the people who do know them are okay.

After that, my mum came home and she was all like OMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSHOMGOSH. Clearly, I dont get my cool head from mum. She was all panicky, and hysterical. Now, I know that this is serious, and people are still out there stuck but hysteria does not help at all. It was starting to make me annoyed, but I just put up with it. Mum was like muttering under her breath, going 'why is this happening, what do we do' etc. Later we decided to go to find some food to eat, and we went around daries, etc. Then we went to my friend's house for some water.

When we stopped there, I was so happy to be there. My dad had someone to chat to, my mother could be hysterica with someone else and I could talk to someone sane, and calm. I felt so much better to talk to someone, and we did some normal stuff, like go on Facebook. All my friends seemed okay, and we just talked, along with her latest crush. It was all extremely normal, and it was nice. Later on we went home, where the parents were arguing, we sleeped and yeah.

The earthquake is still on the news, and it's still going on. People are stuck, there could be around 200-400 people who might've died, and people's homes are dead. Some people dont have a home now. I am extremely lucky.

One of the things that makes me sad is the Cathedral. The top is no longer there, and it's just sad to see something you've known damaged. Here are some photos:

It's quite strange, to see your small city, that is usually unimportant to be on the news. Not only in our country, but in other countries too.

I hope no one else is hurt, that people I know are safe, and people who are dont know are okay.
We can only hope.

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