
Sunday, February 20, 2011


I just finished eating a Dunkin Donut CHOCOLATE ICED DONUT MMMMMM- and it was delish! Definately put me into a blogging mood, if that was possible...

So I guess I will blog about what happened in the past few days.

My sister, who is turning 19, left on Saturday to go to her university. On thursday, I had to help her pack her clothes, and basically because we share, this is how it went:

Jenny: pack that, that, this.

Me: Um no, that's mine.

Jenny: but you dont even wear it.

Me: but I bought it, and it was like 50 bucks.

Jenny: UGH FINE.

I let her take this cute red flower skirt, but only because after she left, I realised she left three of her dresses here.... HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA! So I think that was a pretty good deal.

I'm not a bad sister, I mean I was actually a pretty awesome one on the outside. I did what she asked, was a push-over which I hate, let her sleep in my bed etc. It was just if she cried, or something when I backed away. Because I dont know what to do at times like that, and I often find that what I try to say to make people feel better makes it sound worse.

So my sister's friend came over on friday, the day before she left and she was like so, have you written a letter for me? And Im like uh no? And she's like uh hello? Arent you suppose to write your beloved sister, who you arent going to see for like half a year,a letter? So of course I had to write one. I felt quite bad, so i even made her a stress ball onion.Pretty cool, yes.

I didnt get to see her go on saturday, which was like ops, but I hope she's having fun now! On saturday, I had a sleepover at my friend's house, Duckiee. It was loads of fun, and I love how around her I dont have to try to be all happy, and can be whatever I feel like. It would be waaay too long to explain what we did, but I hd a great time.

I went to church the next day with her, and it was pretty good. Oh, I wore this dress which I LOVE. I Bought it on Saturday, and the material is like kinda dark background with flowers etc. It made out of different patches of material, and is kind of like street looking but I love it. It's kind of hippie, only it comes to my knees and a lil higher. I love it! So, we were at church and yeah, and we were like asking this man all these questions, and it was real funny. He's real nice, and he seems like an uncle to me!

We played basketball, but all the guys were like Im so cool so it wasnt too fun. We drank fizzy drinks, and I love diet coke especially at night. Then we went to the bus stop, and before I say this, I just want you to know that Im not the type of girl who talks about guys alot. So, we were at the bus stop and I was listening to my iPod, when this guy in a white singlet, and a ukulele strapped to him was walking bare footed to the bus stop. Okay, so you know how sometimes at a bust stop there is glass on the ground because some idiot smashed the screen? Well that happened, and the guy was just walking over it! And while we were thinking ? then he JUMPS ON IT extremely hard. It was so freaky and weird. Then we couldnt see him, but on the other side he was playing the ukulele with his friend, who we didnt know was there. It was quite cool, and I could tell my friend was thinking that he was quite cool. Sadly the bus went and we had to get on. And so we past Ukulele guy and his friend, and it was very sad. But oh well, time to move on.

I love listening to my iPod. It is the best thing, and I love listening to it extremely loud, so I cant hear anyone else. It's like your watching a music video through your eyes, and you're in a movie. Your a bystander, and no one else knows you. I tried explaining this to my friend, but I dont think she got this.

After the bus, we came to my house, where I was basically freaking out about homework, and we were sleeping. (By the way, I finished most of my important homework apart from math, so that's good phew!). Then what I usually do is type my story on my computer, and then I was majorly freaking out because ICOUDLNTFINDMYFREAKINGUSB!!!! I rang my mum, nope. I looked in my room, nope. The kitchen, nope. It was getting hopeless until I checked my bag and BOOYA IT WAS THERE! So after I finish this blog, and drink a glass of water I am going to type some up, and then sleep.

Which reminds me: since my sister is gone, I now have the laptop, her computer in her room, and the one downstairs to myself. Oh yeah! And the laptop is now in my room, and will live there. Forever.

Sure, I'll miss you Jenny, but I'll make the most of it for now!

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