
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sharpies, spaghetti and Pac-man

Today I had a pretty average, fun okay day. It was the usual, I guess with it's ups and downs. It's ups being Latin (although the Latin teacher was being awful to us and I wasn't concentrating) and basically most of my other subjects including strangely P.E and it's downs being career's and graphics. Friend 1 and I went to the mall straight after, where I meet J.L and we just looked around the mall, having fun. I bought the visual diary I was finally wanting, and a sharpie. It sounds simple, but it took us like around 1 hour to finally choose a good pen. I know, weird. I've been wanting to start an actual doodle diary, or something along those lines. I can doodle about my day, and just doodle by itself. Cool huh?

I got the Ultra fine point sharpie, but I also want to get the fine point sharpie, or maybe the Twin tip sharpie. The only reason why I didn't get the big ones is because they smelt...

Probably how my visual diary will end up looking like... but hopefully full of creative  stuff!

While I was looking at videos of other people's doodles, I came along this video- it's uber cool! I would love to video, or do stuff like this.
Another cool one also by PES is this:
And just because I want some money to buy a new dress and sharpie...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Why me?

When you realize that accidentally putting your ears under hot spa water is NOT a good idea, because bacteria can get inside it and eat your brain and kill you!

Why, why did I not have the common sense to know this?
Why did it have to be me?
And why did my maths teacher have to tell me this?!

Now, for at least this whole week I will be wondering whether I will die or not.
Damn you nice hot pools.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Something I learnt today...

The easy way  to spell pineapple  is to spell it out like 'pine' and 'apple.'

How did I learn to spell pineapple only today?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Cereal and yogurt tastes gooood



I had church today, and we have to kind of mini, super mini concert where we had to dance etc and it was pretty uber fun. The thing that touched me the most was when we had to pray, and this guy who is like always poker faced, and you don't know if he can really understand love, etc started crying when he has praying with his mum. And no, not in like a 'Mummy, this kid stole my cookie' way, but in a really mature, understanding way. I am beginning to see a pattern in what I see.

My cold's gotten better, and hardly any sniffing now. YAY
However, today I got my graphics mark back and I got three Achieveds! I mean, c'mon! I work quite hard on my project so it kind of crushed me. But I can always get better.
Another thing that peeved me off was how I didn't do art this year, and finding out today one of my friends *Rose is doing it! Rose is really funny, and not serious and a good friend so I was like AAAAAH why did I choose graphics and choose to be alone instead of doing art, drawing and being with someone I know? I so should have listened to my friends.


  • latin translation
  • socstudies U.S Border Patrol poster
  • maths sheet

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The end results...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! It looks like a scary, creepy version of Spongebob. Ooooops.

Well I am proud of myself, and it looks so funny that I can't hate it. I especially love the eyes.

Happy Birthday my dear friend!


my Spongebob cake looks like it's been attacked by Plankton with a laser gun.
I'm almost ashamed to take a photo of it after I make it (I'm still working on it after 3 hours) but I will. Hope you get a laugh out of it at least.

At least it'll taste good!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A few notes...

I have a latin and science test tomorrow, and you know what I'm doing?

Looking up icing on Google. Also before I was painting my nails. 

I am a true failure in success. 
(Did I also tell you that I am officially the worst in science in my class? C'mon!)

HOWEVER after tomorrow there will be like no homework for me so I guess it's worth it. Also on Friday I have my church dance and on Saturday is my friend's birthday so we're going to Hamner Springs (basically this place with hot pools etc) so I'm HAPPY! Especially since I have a runny nose and everything. I bought the ingredients for my friend's cake (remember the Spongebob one?) and tomorrow I'm going to try make it! I'll post some photos of it even if it fails. Oh yeah, I knit a finally successful fingerless glove and it actually looks quite nice! 

Anyway, it's back to studying for me... Goodbyeee!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Something Interesting I found out about

Today, we finished our speeches, and I got a level six which was really good because I suck at speeches.
So, I noticed something weird a few days ago. You know when you watch a speech you usually look at them? Well I ended up staring at someone's hands, and although they were completely confident, and calm their hands were shaking so much. And when my friend did hers, her hands were almost dancing. Even another one of my friends who is so laid back and casual had her hands shaking.

I actually don't know why I'm sharing this. It just seemed, kind of... interesting, almost as if things aren't as they seem, and everyone is similar inside.

We all get nervous at some point.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A strange thing about me....

Do you know what I hate the most?

Not ants, not speeches (btw I did mine today) and not blood.

It is, infact, SCABS.

Seriously, I do not even know why I am so scared/grossed out/fascinated about scabs. It started when I was around 8 years old. I always got scabs on my legs,which all have a background story to it, but that will be another post. Then, I think it began when I was in the classroom and saw a bone marrow. I don't know why, but   the bone marrow reminded me of scabs, and the thought of scabs suddenly made me feel all jittery, and creeped out and fgjdgfdjgljhprwjhs. Ever since, bone marrow, the little cracks on maps and other stuff have creeped me out, just because they reminded me of scabs.

Strange, huh?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spongebob and Domo

I'm sorry I haven't been on for such a long time. It's been, what 11 days and yet I just haven't had the time to go on my blog. But that's okay, because I'll try to remember to go on every week at least once!

We're learning a dance at church for this thing, and my muscles ache. And we have cross country on wednesday YIPPIE.

School was pretty decent, apart from one small thing; I was about to leave graphics when my old-friend-i-don't-talk-to-but-i-wish-we-did was like, "Melanie? You have masking tape on your back."
And when I reached my back, there it was! Hello masking tape, which someone stuck on my back! Awesome! NOT. But it didn't really make me angry/upset, for some reason because I'm just over those things. Also I love sticking masking tape on my friends. So that was my conversation with her, and I think I'm starting to not get bothered by the fact that we were once good friends. Clap for me!

It's almost my friends birthday, and one of the things I'm getting her is-well I want to bake a Spongebob cake for her! She LOVEEEES Spongebob like me, so I'm thinking of a marble cake inside and then you know yellow icing, and those icing pens.

I think I might make the holes not green, but apart from that this is basically how I want it to look!

OR I was thinking of a Domo cake! Because who doesn't love Domo? But my other friend's birthday is in June and she loves Domo so I was thinking maybe a Domo cake for her. Here's how I want it to look anyway:

CUTE aye?

This has suddenly made me have a massive craving for cake....
Anyways, I'll download a picture of the cake in two weeks time when I make it! Which I have a feeling is going to be a fail but oh well!

It's time for Spongebob now.... BYE!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hasta... pasta?

I had so much pasta for dinner that I think I might explode. Seriously, I had a whole big plate of it- or at least half. And I don't even exercise!

I don't know why, but the latin word hasta reminds me of pasta, which reminds me of the actual meaning- spear. Why? I don't know.

I should be doing my homework since 5-it's now 6.33pm- but I'm just such a procrasinator.We have this speech due on Monday, and we had all last week to do it. In that time I was busy thinking of a topic to do it on! Meanwhile, a girl next to me in science has not only researched her topic, but has also written it out.Plus, she was away for that whole week last week. I mean, why can't I be like that?


I'm doing mine on women's rights, so at least I've chosen what to do! But I also have maths test tomorrow, social studies homework, science homework, and two latin tests on culture and language coming up. It's as if all the teachers decided to gang up, eh? Which reminds me...

I did not choose latin as my topic to see LEECHES, MAGGOTS, CHOPPED OFF FINGERS, AND BLOOD. Oh, and infections on foots! Leeches were the worst, but maggots?! Especially on the wound, it looks like a scab and everyone I know knows I HATE scabs. It's hard to say, but if I had a phobia it would be on scabs.
I also know I will never be a doctor. My friend says I will be one of those artistic homeless people that draw on the ground.

Whatever. I actually do make a good homeless person but I want to get a good job I like when I'm older and see the world, not the same street over and over again!

Like I said, I've been doodling a little in lunch and once I've finished a page I'll send a picture onto this!

So... I guess it's goodbye until I log back on!

Monday, May 9, 2011


I don't know why, but for some weird reason this video won't load...

So this video is A Big Bang Theory video, with doodles and I was just bored so I was looking up doodles on Youtube. There are so many amazing ones up there! I myself am a doodler, and I even have a doodling notebook that I doodle in at school.

So watch it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I've been thinking about this for a while since Easter...

How are bunnies and eggs related to each other?

I mean, it's not like bunnies are born like this...

Monday, May 2, 2011


Testing testing one two three....
Okay I have now learnt how to make posts via my email address!
This will come in handy.... I think.


I'm sipping away my sorrows right now with... diet coke.
Actually I don't have any sorrows (not really) but whats better to take your sorrows away than diet coke and a good dose of blogging?
Ham. Damn I shouldn't have asked that rhetorical question. Ham, not cooked, and some peanut buttercups, manderines...
STOP. Anyway my point is that, I'm going to blog more often, because I need to take my stress of school. Oh yeah, school was pretty average today. Not bad, just a typical day. Some laughs, some irritations. Typicaaaal.
So here are my rambles for the day:

Why why WHY do I hate tumblr? Actually hate is a too strong word. I... despite tumblr a little. I like the pretty pictures, and basically everything. But why do I feel so strongly about it?
Idontreallyknow, but something makes me cringe whenever I see the supposedly 'unique' style of photos, of girls with long wavy hair with the jack union singlet and super ripped high wasted shorts and vintage background. I'm actual a big fan of vintage. But these people? It's seems like as if they... make a mockery to vintage things, making it old (like as in overused) and try too hard. Am I being too harsh? Well this is my blog so oh well. I don't know, it just really bugs me. (However, not as much as this person who make a tumblr on tumblr about hating tumblr.)
I heard that Tumblr didn't use to be like this, it was filled with people who used it as their hobby, something close to them yaddi dah. Now, they can hardly do whatever they want to do because so many people they know/hate do it, because it's the new 'big' thing.
I just read someones blog also about how they hate Tumblr, because of all the try hard people. What word did they use? Oh yes, 'hipster.' I feel sorry for the people who use Tumblr not because it is 'cool', but because it's important to them, where they can confide in not just some showy off place. Where it's kind of like a blog, a diary to them.
So the photography are fine, some amazing, and yeah. But please don't be a try hard and a fake.

P.S I HATE IT when people type or text 'k' or 'lol.' I mean, whathefrack? Laughing out loud? With a dot? What is there to laugh about? And how am I suppose to reply to that? You can see why I don't reply back often.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Okay because my blog posts have been recently BLAAAAAAH and I'm in that period of time where I don't want to blog, I'll try be nice and keep it interesting. Today I've been thinking about


I mean, it's the thing that most people love, crave for more and need. And sleep works in mysterious ways. For example, one night I might have slept 4 hours and be happy (unlikely) but I might've slept 10 hours in another night and be sleepy and tired the whole day.See? I wish I could organize how much sleep I get.
As it's been the holidays, I've been sleeping at 12 and waking up at 12. I'm telling you, it's like heaven. But tomorrow I start school so I'm sleeping at 9pm. I know. But tomorrow I have to wake up at
8 and do all my typical school crap and act all nice and cheery for 11 WEEKS.

Two week holidays are so not enough. Wish me luck tomorrow!