
Saturday, November 20, 2010


I keep having the weirdest dreams ever. Today I had one which I would love to explain, but I just cant remember how it goes! It was something to do with this war, and I was picking up sticks to make arrows, my helpers were these mice in this pickle jar, and some other people. Then it kind of changed because I was like this guy and there was this girl he- I mean I liked or something and she helped out in the war and then her father sent a letter wanting her back, and then the girls memories went into my head, and she was thinking about how that guy was so clueless, and she was imagining what it'll be like if he wasnt so clueless and if he would've asked her to marry him but it was too late, so she had to go home and the guy realised that he loved her but it wasnt that sad. Then in my dream I realised that she had a disorder, and all these people I knew had disorders and I was reading it in a book, so on one page it would have a picture of them, their name and then describing their disorder, then it would be the next person. In my dream I realised this was based on a book I had read in real life called the Land of Lollipops or something.... where this girl got sent to this place where it helps mental health though she didnt have a disorder. Of course I shortened my dream.
But it was still weird...

So now I'm seeing on this website what my dream means....
War :To dream of a war, signifies disorder (DISORDER!!! oh its the wrong meaning but still!) and chaos in your waking life You are experiencing some internal conflict or emotional struggle which is tearing you up inside. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are either being overly aggressive or that you are not being assertive (thats me!) enough. Perhaps you need to be prepared to put up a fight in some area of your life (i hate fighting). On a more direct level, the dream may be reflection of current wars around the world and your personal feelings about it.
Arrow: To see an arrow in your dream, represents the targets that you are reaching for and the goals you are setting for yourself. Alternatively, the arrow also signifies an end to suffering and the beginning of new-found pleasures and festivities 
Mice:To see mice in your dream, indicates that you are spending too much time dwelling on minor problems and insignificant matters. To see mice feeding or eating in your dream, suggests that someone is trying to bring down your self-confidence. Someone may be nipping away at your resources.
Jar: To see a jar in your dream, symbolizes the feminine womb. You are seeking protection. The dream may also be a pun on feeling "jarred" or shaken up by something or someone.
Boy: if you are female and dream that you see or are a boy, then it indicates that you are developing the masculine aspects of character. Alternatively, it may represent your feelings about a real-life boy who is important and significant to you. You may have a crush on this boy and your waking thoughts of him has carried over into the dream world. Your motherly instincts may be taking over.
Girl: To see a girl in your dream, represents your playful, innocent, and childlike nature. Perhaps you are behaving immaturely in some situation. Alternatively, a girl represents the feminine qualities of your character.
Disorder (or really Mental Illness): To see a mentally challenged person in your dream, suggests that someone around you is feeling ignored or overlooked. Perhaps you have failed to listen to what they have to say and as a result are alienating them.  

So this dream is telling me that I am not aggressive enough and I might have to be in a fight soon and am experiencing an emotional struggle which is tearing me up, and there maybe an end to my struggles, and apparentally I am dwelling on minor problems too much unless my mice were rats which talks about how I am feeling guilty, I am shaken up by something/one, I am either developing masculine aspects of the character (gulp!) or I have a crush on a real life boy who is significant to me (who?), I am behaving immaturely in some situation and someone around me is feeling ignored or overlooked-SORRY JENNA I PROMISE TO LISTEN MORE-
Whoa. I am messed up.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I think about it, maybe the guy I like is the guy in my dream and I am the girl, disappointed?


A ramble of your thoughts about a ramble of my thoughts-