
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Well, because I was reading my super cool friend Jenna's blog, and she said she wanted to see one of my super 'emotional' posts, here I am typing another one away! Although I'm not really in the mood, I'll be nice to my fellow readers e.g. no one.
Today I had my two exams, maths and latin. The latin one was pretty hard but easier towards the end. The translation was screwed up though! So straaaaange... And the maths one was pretty okay but I let my friend Joo copy off me and it made me feel a little...weird?
And oh gosh it was so hot I felt like I was melting away! SOme girls are put their feet in the water. Lucky bitches.
Sometimes I like school, but sometimes I just want to get away from it, you know? I guess its all part of high school experience. But I dot know how much longer I can take it. LIke Joo, though I use to absolutely HATE HER, she's actually pretty sweet now though she has her recipe moments. She can be nice, caring but she can be a total bitch. I guess no body can be perfect and besides, we're getting on really well lately :)

Anyways, so after school I had maths and the teacher was seriously getting peeved off but just today I couldnt care because I was soooo sleepy! Like I was going to go to sleep any second and still want to, though I have latin, tech and socstudies homework :/
Then my sister and I went for a walk and omgosh I just couldnt be stuffed walking and actually 45% was fun, and whenever my sister hit me I was like 'sexual assult! 1,2,3' etc till it was 20 :) So that was a good time. Now I'm watching dramas instead of doing homework... yeah thats bad but I dont really care.

Replying to my friend Jenna's post: I know what you mean and it gets annoying. JL and SM are my friends, whether you think differently and thats okay. They're annoying, kind, nice, weird, but that doesnt change the fact that they are so stubborn and self-absorbed! Especially SM! I mean, get a freaking hint and I really want to swear but I told God I wouldnt! I mean, I feel sorry for mum and myself because I'm such a freaking pushover! Man, If I was an outsider watching myself I would get pissed off at myself. Ugh. So this week I am going home early because truthfully I am just too tired nowdays. I'm getting old.

Someone who isnt annoying me is June, who also I believe used to get the same pedo calling as me, only like me she's use to it. She's someone who I can joke around with, not clingy, I can talk about hot guys with her and serious-ish stuff. She's actually really nice; she's not all about being pretty (okay she is) but I like her. I wouldnt mind being in the same class as her next year.

Now some advice on a few hotties in my friend's lives: your young! Live your life as if you might die each day which i know is clashing with me saying how we're young but you know what I mean. You like lollipops, thats okay thought they never have been my favourite, and you may like jaybirds but i'll support you through all of them-
So let me explain what happened if your confused. So here I can typing when Jenny goes 'your not doing homework are you? Your on your blog again, no one checks it anyway.'
Me: 'Exactly.'
Jenny: "Stop trying to be a wannabe." !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes I hate her. I wish sometimes she would keep things in her head. But you know writing this all down is really keeping out my anger management.
Jenny, if you somehow get on this blog and read this and I know this can be possible because you can read other people's blogs without being online, I would like you to know that there are no hard feelings only that sometimes you peeve me off.
But thats all.

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