
Friday, November 19, 2010

Please God

I had a really weird dream today. My dream was set in an Aladdin, and there was a bad Aladdin dude, Aladdin, a lot of Aladdin city folk, Jenna who was Jasmine and me who was like her slave friend and we were sitting in a circle. Then Jenna told me to give some food to Aladdin and I had to sneak for some reason around to him. And I had to stay there for some time, until Jafar stopped glaring at us. Then suddenly the background changed into kind of my old house, only more different and white. My mum, other parents and Jafar in a human form was there and me and Jenna felt really weird and in danger so we told my mum that we were going to run away and so we just walked out of the house and Jenna was laughing at me because I was wearing jeans on a hot day (but for some reason the backgroud was grey). Then we went somewhere which I cant remember, like into city and then these guys were cat calling us, and then one of them called out 'Melanie!' and I called out 'Dylan!' and suddenly he turned into this guy from my last year class. Then Jenna and I went to this Diva looking shop and they followed and they were talking about how I hooked up with this guy and the I went really anxious because I was missing my mum, not in a baby way but I really missed her and my throat was swelling up. So we went home and it was happy happy :)

Today school was okay, but bad in english period and lunch because Joo threw a huge fit at me and I hate it when people get angry at me. Call me a people pleaser I know but I just hate it. It was because apparentally I said something offensive to her and yeah but she got over it. Lunch was sooooo boring! Sometimes I wish they would just skip lunch. We just like sat down, doing nothing. Nothing. Period 5 and 6 and after was good though, because we actually had something to do.

Sometimes I wish I could move school. I was seriously thinking about it in Term 2 and 3, but now I've kind of learnt to just take it in. And I often find that my best school years are after the first. I know that I might scream if I'm in the same class as Joo next year, but at the same time I'll miss her. Its her stupid making me clingy to her thing. You get use to her sick and weird behaviour. Its annoying, but I'll miss her.

Please God though, make me in a different class with her so I can start over.

1 comment:

A ramble of your thoughts about a ramble of my thoughts-