
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


It's 12.23am right now.
In 5 hours I go to the airport, onto the plane, to Korea.
Somehow, I am both excited yet sad.

Nothing really good happened. I guess it was fun. I was a little sad because I would miss out on Christmas, and all the QT :) but I know that soon probably regretfully I'll have to come back to New Zealand so no regrets.
Here are the texts I was sending to myself while I was 'listening' to the sermon:

11:36am-Todays my last sunday so I'm a little sad :( oh well. Cant wait for the snow cough cough. Shit I'll look so fat in my eskimo clothes. Teehee. Jenna wrote on my hand
11:38am-and now I cant wash my hand. Smelly. Hm. I like JC's hair today. Very... Spikey. Today YKWs last day mwah. Goodbye! Im so hungry I could eat Jundusanem...
11:40am- Or not. Omg so hungry. JL is winning, surprisingly. Fuck my bad scratched me! Apparantally J made a stupid move. Jenna had a weird dream. Strange sermon.
11:42am- Baby crying. So hungry. JC lost again. i think Jenna and me bet well. Hm I might write a poem. A rhyming poem. About sermon. It will be weird.
A typical Sunday,
where you have to pay,
attention! attention! attention!
Or else you fall asleep,
while others look and peep.
Jenna is rolling her eyes,
hello goodbye goodbye!
All longing to see,
the end to pee,
play cards and talk,
and maybe eat some pork.
An escape, escape, just another
Typical Sunday.
11:51am-and thats the end of my poem! That was fun, might make another. JL is losing, mwahahahah. My ear hurts I think it's infected.
11:54am-OMg we either have 30 minutes or 1 hour left. Jundusanem is glaring at David etc and now so is IH and JC. I remember those good times. Actually I still do that.
11:58am-'without God, we cannot' hhahaa talking about my old homestay J and I :) I wonder how they are. So hungry! And I have to play clarinet too. So weak.
12:01pm- oh yeah, Jenna UPDATE LIFE IS GOOD! I wish I downloaded DoodleJump instead.Damn. Going to play games, bye xoxo

and that was it! An interesting talk, mainly talking about how hungry I was. I still am, and man I want some frozen coke :)

After we did the usual etc fool around, play cards with the guys but I dont want to talk about that.

Infact, here are 10 interesting facts about me:

1. I have this thing about If I see a bug, I keep imagining that its on me and for 30minutes, I endlessly scratch myself.
2. I have the smallest and curliest baby hair in the world. Yes it is annoying.
3. Idontknow if anyone finds this annoying, but I actually like subtitles. It makes me actually understand what the person is saying.
4. I am the worst procrasinator in the world. Also best promise-maker. It drives me nuts and if I could i would hit myself. I just have this thing where I forget to do what I have to do because I get interest in ooo! A new smootie maker! etc
5. ... which relates to fact number 5, I am the worst/best depending on how you see it, pushover. I do anything. Which is good for others, not so much for me. I'm only not to my bestest of friends. This is what drives me crazy the most, the one I find myself swearing in my head about the most. It is a curse.
6. I have two turtles. One likes eating it's poo. They both enjoy er... 'entertaining' each other.
7. I secretly wish I could be a ninja and beat up everyone who pisses me off. Unfortunately I am not, but at least in my dreams I am.
8. I hate coffee, but I love ice coffee. I keep stealing my mummy's. Crime no. 1
9. I am pretty weird. For example, me and my friend were just talking about living in a world where we live as blobs. And have pet blobbies. Yes, I like to make up imaginary stories up.
10. When I was little, depending on the speed of the song that came up, I would skate that fast in an ice-rink. So when it was super fast, I went crazy. I even tried out for the fastest skater competition. Bad choice.

(btw I'm still itchy....)
I hope that made you non-existant readers out there find out a lil more about me :)
Right now, I'm procrasinating to go off the computer and think about not sleeping and instea staying awake until 4 when I have to get ready to go.
Cross my fingers that i dont crash ;)
(Yay I got my frozen coke!)

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