
Sunday, December 12, 2010


I've changed my template, as you non-existant readers should have noticed. I've always wanted this simple template, but I've never found it until 15 mintues ago. So, I was looking at this template website, and there was this really cute skin that made it look like I was writing in a notebook, but you couldn't read a thing, and the font was so small. While I was trying to change this, I found this template called Classic Template or whatever and it has a whole list of old skins! And thats where I found this and I'm glad I did :) But I still dont really like this font >:( I think I will like it better in italics, so I'm thinking about it....

Anyways, I'm going to Korea in a few days, like 3? It'll be exciting, but also annoying, sad, and veeeeeeeeeeeeery chilly as its going to be minus 15 degrees or whateever. But hey, at least it'll snow! And I'm going to gain so much weight... but hey, I'll just do arobics when I come back :)

So yeah, I'm pretty excited... and what I'm going to do is that I'm going to bring a book and write down all my everydaythings and type them into this blog when I have time. Oh yeah, and btw I finished school so IMNOTATURDHAHAHAHA! Year 10 better be good or I dont know what else I'd do.

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