
Saturday, December 25, 2010

I miss you

Now that I got that out of my system, I'll just ramble on about other stuff. Yay.

I wish I had super powers. I wouldn't know which one to choose, but if I could have 3, it would be Invisibility, Flying/Teleport and Mind-reading.

Invisibility-get those moments when you dont want to be somewhere? Or dont want someone to see you? Problem solved.

Flying- Now my feet wont hurt from walking. Also it'll take shorter time going to places.

Mind-reading- see what people are really thinking of you. No complications.

Well for once I am stuck on a topic for this post. So here are some ideas I found on the internet:

1. Lists.

5 Things I'd want in a guy.

1. He has to be nice. I dont care for that crap about girls liking the tough guy. He has to be nice.
2. No racism. At all.
3. Be funny, or make me amused whether he purposely makes me laugh or not.
4. Actually care about me, that sometimes I might be sad, angry, want a hug.
5. Love me-not what I'm wearing, my body, my lies but who I truely am. No judgements, respect.

2. How-to-do things

How to forget someone.
Whatever you do, DONT think about him/her. Find a new interest- and no, not facebook stalking them. Knit somethjng, join a club. Find their worst facts- that they are mean, ignorant, selfish. Dont dream of what will happen when you see them- think of what to do with your life! Are you just going to follow them all the time? Hang out with your friends- best therapy and it's for free too. If none of these work, you have some serious problems with this person. Good luck.

3. Tips

Dont stay outside in winter for a hour with a gold club.


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A ramble of your thoughts about a ramble of my thoughts-