
Saturday, December 25, 2010


If you were where I was 10 minutes ago, you might've seen a girl in a purple jacket, grey sweater, knitted leggings and holding a golf club.
You probably would've have known that her legs felt like they were going to drop off, and any second she was going to hit something with the golf club.
Hahahaha. Just Joking. Not.

Let me try and explain when this all started. I'll start when my mum, my sister and I walked out to eat. We bought a cake at my favourite shop Paris Baguette, and then walked into Starbucks. It was freezing cold outside, but not as cold as I would be later on. We had some hot chocolate which reminds me- free advertising. Go to Starbucks-best hot chocolate ever. I actually hate hot chocolate and almost finished it if my sister's friend hadn't come over. We reluctantly went outside and Jenny got into the car (lucky) with her friend. My ex-crush (my sisters friends brother) waved and I waved too. He had a haircut. It looked good. We waved again and then they went. Good choice.
My mum and me just walked around the mall for 30minutes. Then we had to meet my dad and this is when the trouble begins. We waited for ONE HOUR or more outside. And it is winter here. One of the coldest days too. Seriously, I still cant feel my legs.
We waited. Walked. Waited. My mum was in the worst temper and so was I. Finally we meet my dad, also pissed. Runs in the family.
They bickered and I walked towards the apartment. I was holding onto my dad's golf club. i was imagining hitting something and I have to admit, it did make me feel better. But probably not five minutes later.
And so, somewhat later we arrived here.

What a crap Christmas/Eve.

Happy Birthday Jesus,
Happy Birthday Jesus,
I hope your having a good time,
at least more than meeee...

Gosh. I deserve some chocolate.
Merry Christmas.

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