
Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well I havent had a blog in a while. I was pretty busy in life, and for once I wasnt all depressed-or at least that much. So here's how things have been going...
  • Last Tuesday my grandmother passed away. It was unexpected, and I went home feeling great because I'd been talking with June, and when I came home, I asked mum why I didnt have maths and then I could feel something was wrong. Then she told me grandmother passed away, and I was like 'oh.' I hadn't even thought about grandmother passing away, we'd all thought she'd would live forever. I cried a little, but I didnt really know my grandmother that much... truthfully I didnt like her and auntie much. I just felt sorry for my mum, because we hadn't seen her for 8 years and we were going to go to Korea to see her next month. Which reminds me...
  • I think my auntie has schizophrenia. I still dont really have proof. There always has been something different about auntie, she was always scary and mean. But I thought that it was just herself. Then I found out that Grandmother did EVERYTHING for her, like grocery, bank etc. With grandmother gone.... So then I heard mum and Jenny talking about a hospital and Jenny was looking up schizophrenia on Wikipedia and I knew what it was, because last term I read a book on it. She was telling mum how there were two cases of it, and one of them was that it didnt show much but their emotional personality was affected...? Idontknow, but I was just curious, not that its any of my buisness.
  • Saturday, I went to the library with Sally and drew and got out books. I was really happy to read something so I'm going to go to the library every Saturday >< then we made heaps of food and I had to sleep over. The next day I felt bad because I text Jenny asking why mum etc werent here and she was like GET LOST. So I felt really bad. Then after we did this thing where you have to drink like four cups of water, but one at a time, run to the wall, spin around 5 times then come back and drink another cup. It was fun, but they keep fighting over it. I sat next to Jenna and idk if she was thinking the same but I was like .....It's just a game.... Later we played limbo and Jenna was AWESOME WOOP WOOP! Of course I sucked. Then we did this thing where you jump over chairs and it gets higher. Once again I did the worst but I was pretty proud because I got less scared of it and I went waaaay higher than usual. Jace won that. Then we all bussed and Jenna wanted to go somewhere with Jace and I was trying to make her to, but then his friends came and we were like -____- I got off first, and I had to go back to city because Jenny wanted me to get her cellphone charger. Sometimes I am such a pushover.
  • I got my period again, only this time it was SUPER FREAKY because I had swimming yesturday and it was like !!!!!!! And i wasted heaps of tampons with no success. I am a failure.
  • Yesturday we had no school, so I was just chilling, doing a lil homework but not much. I bought a whole block of chocolate and ATE IT ALL. Okay, I do have some left but thats not the point. Ugh.
  • Today, well I have a sore stomache so I asked dad if I have to go to school and he said no. But Jenny threw a physc and was like wug;ghakjybvgivgqe bgueh buirqe tggh dfhgjkdfshbvugidh;ghfadybpia. Truthfully I dont see why she was all like that, because she's probably done worse stuff than pulling a sickie. But whatever.
  • Tomorrow after school is my sister's ball thingy for year 13. I have to go too, and wear a dress. Yay. I hope its not too tight, and I dont have big enough boobs but whatever, 'll have to live. Also I cant run in it, as it curves into my legs.
So thats it really, vavle amici!

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