
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Smoke, snow and dinosaurs

Today was one of the funniest days of my holiday.

Before I explain what happened, I have to tell you what happened last night- or do I? Its not that important...but it'll be interesting! Blah blah blah.

Lets just say that people change when you meet them 8 years later and I'll know what Im talking about.

So today afternoon my sister and I decided to go out. Maybe it was the fact that for some weird reason, I was getting hypt up and screaming at her. Also it had just snowed (yippeeee!) so I wanted to go out and make a snow man. So we went out, and looked around etc. I tried to make a snow man but... it kinda failed, as the snow was so soft but freaking cold!!!

Here are the photos:

Oh yeah, so I was standing on the sideway when I slipped into this and as I was slipping I was thinking oh shit sleep dont make me freeze to death because usually where I slipped into has water and I thought it wouldve turned into ice and when I slipped into it I thought I would crack the ice and water would come out. But there was no water which meant water didnt come out and I didnt freeze to death. Im glad I cleared that up.

A smart way of making trees warm... wrapping them with a million lights...

Me squating like a person who has to pee, and freeazing my hands trying to make a snowman... which turned into a snow pile...

And then, I came home, to find out my dad had been caught smoking! Now btw, I am not a bad daughter who finds it funny that her dad is inhaling horrible stuff. I hate smoke. I could have a long rant about it, but I wont. So anyway, my dad use to smoke but he quit and stopped like 2 years ago. In Seoul, there are alot of smokers. It is quite tempting. So apparantely the story goes that dad was suddenly like oh its stuffy here Im going to get ice-cream and he left leaving my mum suspicious. Later he came smeelling of smoke and that is how my dad got told off.
Which is why I find it so funny- though I didnt see him get told off, I could totally imagine it. My mum was totally cool about it when we arrived home, but dad was like totally embarrassed.


And now I will talk about my new obssession of play-doh.

My sister and I were in the supermarket and we were bored. So we decided to buy some play-doh! I have decided that I am pro at making sad faces. Here are some photos... or not.

After like 15 minutes, my photos of the ugly faces and dinosaurs arent uploding! :O I will later on- I promise.

SO- sorry,  but I probably wont be able to go onto this blog and post something for around... 1 week? Im going somewhere and it has no internet stuff so :(


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