
Thursday, March 31, 2011


I am so tired. It's 6 and I just came back from my friends since 1. Heres what we did:

  • walk to the mall
  • watch a movie, where I mainly just covered up my eyes. It had aliens in it ugh. 
  • Finish. 
  • Walk more. 
  • Contacts get dry. 
  • Walk. 
  • Go home. 

SO TIRED! I'll talk about it tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Do you know the main reason why I don't like Tumblr?

Sure, it has awesome as photos, and it's amazing. But you can't be seclusive, spill out your heart onto the keyboard, or just rant on about something you love. Because there are people you know, people that you know you don't want them to know stuff about. People probably expect me to have some super high fashion blog or something, and I'm just not like that. And if I got a Tumblr, I would'nt be able to be my whole self, and then I'm being untrue to myself even on cyber-space.

You may same I'm being dramatic. And I may be.
But I just don't want to lose what I've gotten from Blogger.
And that is why I love Blogger.

How do I explain this...

I'm just looking through some Tumblr photos of some people I know, and even though I don't like Tumblr (no offence) they have the coolest photos ever. My point in this is that do you have anyone that you sometimes see, and wish that you got to know that person?

I always do, some are in my class and some are just people I walk past Some people are even people I used to be friends with.
How did I begin to think like this? Well right now I'm on this Tumblr of this girl I know in my class, and the more I look through it the more I think, 'she's just like me'. I've always kinda wanted to be her friend, and this other girl whose in my latin class. Like, she likes the type of photos I do, she's christian, she loves Harry Potter, considers herself weird, and a nerd. Just like me! But I can't do anything about it really. I mean, we sit opposite sides. Same with the other girl. I've talked to them like twice, but only polite talk. If only I'd been in there class last year, but instead I was in the other nerd class. It's not like I'll cry if I don't become friends with them, its just... they seem like someone I could become friends with. You know.

Do you have people you want to get closer to?

Monday, March 28, 2011

One of the coolest things ever.

Before I explain what cool thing I found, I just want to tell you a story that happened less than 3 minutes ago. I was about to eat my boiled egg, see? And (weird as this sounds) I usually crack my eggs by crushing it in my hands. So I was surprised when my egg splurted out yellowy gloopy liquid onto my hands.

Not cool.

Anyways, today at school my friend/not told me this awesome website she said reminded me of her and it is FREAKING AWESOME!

I mean, popcorn and coke tasting gum for the movies, as well as hotdogs, beer and peanut tasting gum for the park? Mustache lollipops and band aids, not to mention giant mustache refrigerator magnets? Snoopy's green hot chocolate? And a magical garden that grows pink blossoms? The list goes on and on.

And where do these awesome stuff come from?
FROM NARNIA! (sadly I'm joking, bu click the link)

Not only they have awesome random stuff, they have accessories, clothes and etc!
(bacon toothpaste, ipod hoodies, hamburger phones...)

I am in love.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sometimes I wish I was bald. Or not.

Sooooooo, lately I've been real fed up with my hair, because I got it permanently straightened.... OR I THOUGHT SO UNTIL I HAD A SHOWER AND FOUND THAT I STILL HAVE MY STUPIDLY NOT STRAIGHT OR CURLY HAIR!
You see, my hair is neither wavy or straight. It looks like it's on the verge of a curl, but then it stops. And it appears in random places, leaving my hair look stupidly frizzy. Also my fringe/bang/side parting or whatever it is, always looks awfully flat. I try to brush my fingers through it to make it look all natural and sweeped to the side, but it DOESN'T WORK. Luckily, I found a way to make it look nicer with a hair straightner (pooop) so I might try that tomorrow.

But for the rest of my hair? Well, although I might regret this I was thinking that maybe I should go back to being... you know, curly? I have quite thick hair so I don't know if that's going to look nice on me but I can always experiment, right? And I'm not going to risk getting split ends, so I'm going to plait my hair at night, and take it out in the morning. However, I'm only going to do this when my hair is completely not straight so my money wasn't a complete waste. Maybe it'll look nice, or not.


Friday, March 25, 2011


Today is Friday, and we all know what that means, don't we? Actually you probably wont, so here it is: FRIDAY MEANS QUOTE NIGHT! *does crazy dance around the room.* And today is my first quote, so please don't throw cream pies at me if you hate whatever I blog. I'm only writing what I think.

So today my quote is this:

"Music is a total constant. That's why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because a song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in your or the world, that one song says the same, just like that moment." 

 Oh, how true this quote is. I don't know, but I think to everyone, music means something to them. Like it might be a song you always crazily dance to, or maybe it's your every night lullaby, or maybe you shared this song with  your first love. Thats why music is so important, because it's so much more powerful that a few lyrics (or not) and a melody. It has the power to take you into time, 2, 4, 5 years into the past and take you to the time where maybe you first listened to that song, or shared a interesting memory with it. My friend was reading this book while she was listening to this song, and now every time she hears that song, it reminds her of the book. One of my songs on my playlist reminds me of this movie, about a romance between a guy and a girl which always got me to tear up. And there are so many other examples, which I just can't think of right now but they're there. Face it, music is a big impact on our lives.

For example, when your sad, maybe you like to listen to a little dancey pop music, like one of those songs that make you just want to leap up and jump about. Maybe, when you're angry you like to listen to heavy metal music to the loudest volume until you can't hear anything. And maybe when you feel stressed, you celebrate by listening to classical music because it relaxes you. See? Music is like a remedy, when your feeling  down, angry, or maybe even happy, something that takes you away from reality and just for those couple of minutes, where you can drown yourself into a song. There's a lot of opinions on music, pop, jazz, classic, etc but to be honest I don't think it really matters what type of music you like (yes, even those songs you can hardly call 'music') because it's that person who listens to it, not you. It's not you who likes to listen to it, who feels better each time they hit the rewind button. Its the person, and it only matters to them.

Well that's it for today! I'm sorry if it's shorter/longer than you wanted it, but I have to go. And be warned: there will be a lot of music quotes coming up!

(Oh yes.)

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Weeeeelll, I was doing my homework and came to so many things that I was just so confused about and I really wanted to write them down in my blog. But then I got on the phone with not just a friend, but someone who is like family to me. That is how close we are, and I seriously dont know how I could have stayed sane without her. Although she drives me nuts.

And so, I'll save my little (or not) talk about my confusion for another sad rainy day, and even though it's not Quote Night, I just want to wrap this post up with a quote dedicated to this special sister of mine:

"Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a bestfriend."
And I drink my diet coke to that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

French, fish, braid, plait, whatever you call it.

Today, at lunch my friend/not really wanted to play with my hair. From past experience, I was reluctant but allowed her to and in the end, I really liked it!
It was this kind of braid that started at the top, and curled around into a side ponytail. I really liked it, but I knew that I could never ever do it that nicely and neatly. Soooo I took a photo of it to show you!

This is the french braid that my friend did. Very very neat.

This is how it looked like at the front. That red bow is my sister's- I stole it.

This is me after my first attempt at french braiding. Not so good.

This is attempt 3. Still screwed up. But I kind of like it messy.

But not this messy.
 It's actually pretty fast, and it's really easy to do. Just not easy to make it pretty. But practice makes perfect. There's some pretty excellent videos on different techniques and hair-styles on Youtube if you want to check it out- it's looks so nice on them! You don't have to use these links, but I'm just putting them on here so next time I want to french braid, I can look at them here, or here and maybe here? Sadly I just recently had my hair pernamently straighted my hair so I can't really plait my hair or it'll make it curly again. Strangely, my hair isn't that straight though... must have had too many showers. But I realised that I have hair that is all the same length, and not layered hair like I used to so it doesn't look as nice. When I do plaits, I mean.

Oh yeah, today I got my cervical cancer injection for the second time and I can say that the second one always hurts the most Yeeeup. But it doesnt after 10 minutes hahaha.

Now I have to go do homework, and yikes, it's 6:43pm.... got science, graphics, latin, social studies, and maths. Oh deary deary me.

I've decided, that from now on Friday will be Quote day: where I find a quote that I like, and talk about what I think of it, or maybe an experience I've had that relates to this. I'll be mainly getting them from Sarah Dessen's books, because she is my favourite author and my blog is based on one of her quotes from my favourite book, Just Listen:
"Don't judge, or think. Just listen."

Now I really have to go, so here's a pretty picture of my clock that's been right infront of me while I was typing away. Byeeeeee!

Damn right.

"You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it."
You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A typical day.

What did I do today? 

This was my day really, apart from the occasional details which I will inform you on later.
I started my day off with yogurt and cereal.... mmmm!

I got my hair done recently, to have it permanently straighted. Today I went to get it a little bit layered, but not enough so that my mum went all ranty on me. Whatever.

The state I've been in all day.

Did I ever mention that I have two turtles? This one is the female, Sammy I think. The other one is Micky.
I was bored/hungry, so I decided to go Asian and have some noodles (also they were the only food.)
This is NOT how you open a packet of noodles.
Hm. Yummmmmmy

Stir. Most people like their noodles all thin and wispy, but I love mine all thick and 'swollen.'

Doooone! And left to cool.

Normally, people now eat it but I add something to my noodles: CHEEEESE! Sounds creepy but nicee.

Bon Appetite!

The state I've been in all day: grey bumpants/sweatpants, and this baggy long sleeved thin ... thing.
Actually, I guess that pretty much does sum up everything that's happened.
Now I have to go and do my school homework which reminds me: SCHOOL ON MONDAY.


Friday, March 18, 2011


Seriously, why do people like horror movies? Do they enjoy getting frightened, and seeing gross things like a thousand bugs on your face? I do honestly not understand.

But then, the same people who like horror movies might also not understand why people love romance/comedy movies. I mean, the cliche storyline, the corny scenes? That might also make them want to regurgitate their last meal; a Mc Donald's hamburger.

Which is exactly how I felt, when watching this horror movie my dad was watching.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time Capsule

Do you know what I hate? When I go to find blogs, and all I find is blogs of a) babies, b) food and c) more babies and families.While I like food, and babies (wait, that might be a lie. It's not that I don't like babies, it's just that they don't like me.) I don't see why nearly all the blogs have to be about Bob, and how he ate a pie (can babies eat pies?). Now that I think about it, when I'm married and have a child, I too will probably be wanting to have a blog about my child/ren. It's pretty normal, kind of like a photo album and a dairy stuck together online, it's just that... it's so annoying!

If my older self somehow finds this blog, and to this post, here are a few things that I hope have changed, and a few things that I hope hasn't changed.

  • Number one, don't ever type in 'human puppet' in Google. Trust me, you don't want to. You end up screaming, and getting a book to cover up the image while you're trying to exit out of it. Also your friend ends up laughing on the ground as you desperately go out of it. 
  • Hit the friend who made you type it in the first place. 
  • Hate avocado.
  • Lose some weight.
  • Be taller than your sister. 165cm. That may not sound tall, but it is for Korean people.
That's all I can think of, actually. I'll edit this later, and add on some more things later on. 

<Anonymous has terminated>

Tell me why

... is my friend acting like a annoying chimpanzee?

Oh wait, she is one. How silly of me.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Weeeeeeell, today is my birthday! I don't really like birthdays, because apart from being born, that's really it. So here are some other things that are on my birthday!

1. 1879- Albert Einstein is born on my birthday! That makes me feel pretty smart, even though I'm not.
Nice hair-do, Albert.
2. 1933- Balto, the Siberian Husky that is known for his 1925 serum run to Nome, died on my birthday. Which is pretty sad, because he was an awesome dog. You should see the movie, it's awesome.
I wish I had a dog like him.
3. Pi Day- a national day for the math symbol, pi (sorry, I dont know how to actually do the small symbol.) It's on today, because 3.14 stands for March, the fourteen. Pretty cool aye? And I love pie, which you could probably tell by my URL so my favourite number is now 3.14.
Mmmm... yummy!
4. Last, but not least, is White Day- a day in Korea and I think Japan that is just like Valentine's day. Valentines day, in Korea (Japan might be the opposite, I'm not quite sure) is a day where girls giveguys chocolates out of love, friendship etc. On the other hand, there is White day, a month after Valentines day which is when the guy is expected to repay the offer, by giving a girl sweets. There's also Black day, on April the 14th where single people go out with their friends and have black noodles... only they aren't actually black dont worry. And they taste good too.

How white day is celebrated in stores.

Even Coke is celebrating it!
So, what did I do today? I had a picnic with my friends, who gave me ballons and presents. It was really fun, but kind of too hot. I'll see if I can download some photos.
I would add photos of me and my friends, but if I did that wouldn't be so anonymous would it...

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Since I cant really be bothered with writing my thoughts into paragraphs, deciding whether each idea links to the other etc, I'm just going to write them in lists, okay?

  1. My thoughts are with Japan, who have recently had an 8.9 magnitude of an earthquake, and other earthquakes which have triggered an tsunami which has probably left hundreds killed and missing, not only homeless. I saw the news, and there even was FIRE on the tsunami. I did not know that was possible. Now, my own suburb's earthquake seems small, and I hope that Japan can pull through this. Which reminds me, 2012 seems to be coming nearer, whether you believe in this or not. We'll be praying for you Japan. 
  2. Yesterday, I was helping Duckiee with her art homework, which lead to my huge headache, which is still here even though I woke up at 3:15pm. Perhaps watching TBBT till 3 wasn't a good idea. 
  3. I've been eating less lately, and it's not like I even try. It's really weird. Like for example one day I only ate an apple and rice? But that doesn't mean that I've been losing weight, because one of the things I like to do the most is: snack. My friend bought me for my birthday a huge tin of wafer sticks, in chocolate, vanilla and cappuccino. Who can really resist? Oh, and I dont exercise apart from sometimes walking to the mall, which takes around 30-1hour walking there and back. Plus all the walking in the mall gives me feet cramps.
  4. It's nearly my birthday, but all these disasters are giving me a little bit down. Actually, I've always treated my birthday just as any day, because it isn't thaaaaat important. Like, I don't like having parties or anything.  There is one thing I want though. You know Lego toys? Well I was walking around Kmart when I saw this huge Lego head. You can open it, and put anything in it! (Actually, it's for putting Lego in but whateever.) I fell in love with it, and I'm currently trying to save up for it. Here it is:
the lego head-isn't it cooool?
Lego sushi, mmmm
and last but not least, Mona Lisa!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Zebra print

Face packs are coooold. And after a while they dry up and don't stick to you. They make your skin sting, and turn you into a ghost.

But the things we do for beauty, right? Or in my case, to have nice skin.

For example: when girls pluck their eyebrows (luckily I dont have to do mine), wax (ouch) their legs, take hours just putting make-up on perfectly, choosing what to wear etc. Everything is planned-

Unless you're those girls who just leave themselves all natural and dont really care.
But both girls care how they look when they have someone they like! <3

P.S I bought this watch, that I really like only it's kind of big for me... tomorrow my friend and I are going to the mall that sells really cheap clothes and shooooop!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Now that I remember, the whole reason for me going onto blogger was because I wanted to tell you my new craze but I forgot about it when I found outallthehomeworkihavetodo-

Never mind. The point is, since last year there's been this show that I've been wanting to watch, and for the past two weeks I've watched like 3 episodes of it so today I went into youtube and watched a whole lot. And I laughed so much, actual LOL.

It is The Big Bang Theory, and ohmygosh, that is a piece of art. Hilarious, and IloveSheldon! He is so cool, and the whole "*knock knock* Penny! *knock knock* Penny! *knock knock* Penny!" Also the bazinga is pretty cool too.

My friends going to give me the seasons of it because I cant find any of the episodes on the net, so oh yeah! It's very cool, although I cant understand half the things they say.

Oh well.


When you find out while talking to your friend that you had that assignment that was due like today only since you cant go to school, it's okay only YOUR GOING BACK TO SCHOOL NEXT WEEK AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED ON IT and you could, only you lost the sheet ages ago.

Oh, and you check your school website and you now have english, latin and graphics homework you thought you didn't have to do all this week.

At least my week will be spent productively.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A boring day

I reluctantly forced myself to write another post about my day and so on. Yesturday I went fishing and since ALL I want to do is to read my magazine, I'll keep it short.
  • Force self to wake up at 7 after sleeping at 2am. Wants to wear hippie dress, but too cold so wears shorts and singlet with warm checkered cardigan.
  • Goes to Duckiees house, and discovers stomach cramp so bad. Goes to toilet and does buisness.
  • Feels much better, and decides to be happy. Until 30minutes later when still driving and feeling sick.
  • Feels sick the whole 3hour trip there, and tries to sleep although is extremely uncomfortable.
  • Arrives there, and stays in car whole time talking and sleeping. Duckiee does the same. Both have a spaz about the sandflies and Duckie throws my shoe at them. I tell her to get them but she freaks out so I get them. She kills them with paper.
  • Drives and sleeps more.
  • Sleeps more.
  • Scared contacts will stay in her eyeballs and go to the back of them.
  • Sleeps, and wishes it wasnt so cold.
  • Sleeps, until 9:00pm.
  • Finally! Arrives at Duckies home, feeling sick and so hungry that it feels like a hole is in my stomach. Does some Harry Potter reading while Duckiee does some stuff in her romance life on Facebook.
  • I go on her phone and go onto blogger and unsuccessfully makes a post. Decides to do it later.
  • Stays and talks for a while. Listens to the Duck Song and laughs-
  • Goes home at 12:30 and as soon as we get home sleeps.
Today, I went over to Jessie's house and we watched Princess Diaries and found a new guy to crush on-Michael! He's the typical awkward but cute guy who's just eeeeeee!!! He might be weird now (actually I dont know), but he was cute in Princess Diaries okay?

See? Isnt he adorable?
And we laughed a lot and yeah. Now I'm reading my magazine in my grey bumpants, or extremely baggy sweatpants to other people and my navy sweater/jersey. Adios!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh shoot.

Damn. Well so I was going to write this very enormous post so I wouldnt be bored, but mum just caught be typing. Mum hates it when I type late at night.

Well soon I get to hack into my friend's blog-mhahahah! The only reason is because I have to delete it for her. Im sad that she doesnt use it, but hey she uses a diary so that's probably why. Unlike her, I get hand cramps and dont have that kind of patience.

Tomorrow, or actually today Im going fishing (yeup, fishing) with my family and Duckiee's family. Also some other kind of family. I'll be sure to upload pictures! Now Im charging my iPod for full use tomorrow.

Mum's angry now, got to go. Bye!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Lazy Song

Those who know Bruno Mars, this is a song from him, which truely explains how I feel about everyday. While most of my friends urge me on to do something everyday, like learn how to play the ukelule or something, I just want to sleep for the whole day, go on the computer, eat gummy worms, read a book and sleep. This song is truely perfect for me.

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything

I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
Throw my hand in my pants
Nobodys gon' tell me I can't

I'll be lying on the couch just chillin in my snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
Cus in my castle I'm the freakin man
Oh Oh

Yes I said it
I said it
I said it cus I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all
Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh
Nothing at all

Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh

Tomorrow I'll wake up do some P90X
Meet a really nice girl have some really nice sex
And she's gonna sream out 'this is great'
(Actually this part isnt me, partly because I'm a girl and also because I'm WAY TOO YOUNG.)

I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old mam would be so proud of me
But sorry paps you'll just have to wait
Oh Oh

Yes I said it
I said it
I said it cus I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything

No I ain't gonna comb my hair
Cus I ain't going anywhere
No No No No No No No No No

I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Ohh ohh

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
Cus today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all
Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh
Nothing at all

Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh
Nothing at all

Another nice song by Bruno Mars is Marry You. For those who watch Glee (I dont), you might've seen it. It's a truely sweet song, and as my friend says so, "It makes you want to jump up and dance".

It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you

Well, I know this little chapel
On the boulevard we can go
No one will know
Oh, come on girl

Who cares if we're trashed
Got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of patron
And it's on, girl

Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you

I'll go get a ring
Let the choir bells sing like
Ooh, so what ya wanna do?
Let's just run, girl

If we wake up and you
Wanna break up, that's cool
No, I won't blame you
It was fun, girl

Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready, like I'm ready

'Cause it's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you

Just say I do
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby

Just say I do
Tell me right now, baby
Tell me right now, baby, baby, oh

It's a beautiful night
We're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby
I think I wanna marry you

Is it the look in your eyes
Or is it this dancing juice
Who cares, baby
I think I wanna marry you

I wonder...

...does superglue come off your fingers?
If not, at least they arent glued together. However, everything will slip of my fingers now.
Why did I have superglue? Weeeeell, I was making my friend a cellphone chain, that's why! With a teddy bear on it, cute huh. Then with an old hairclip, I stuck on a pacman from a pacman necklace I had.I stuck a star and a button on too, and the lettwers D, E, A on. They were the only letter left, and with them I made 'DEA', which is goddess in Latin. Although I'm not one, and I'm actually Christian, I still think it's quite cool. Sometimes learning Latin helps. Then I stuff these minature beads-that-look-white-from-the-glue and small keys on, just because I was bored. On my key chain, I added this shoe that looks like a green pair of chucks, and on the key chain had a red pacman, a guitar, a guitar pick witht he words ROCK on it, these stars, a dice, a small sparkly heart and that's it. Oh, and on a peg I glued a button, pacman ghost, and a bead thing.

Which is how I glued my fingers, and now they feel funny. Yippiee.

My keyring- (left to right) My silver key, the guitar, the pacman, the guitar pick, the stars, the dice, the heart, my purple key and the green shoe

Just a close up of it. Now you can reaaally see it.

The cellphone chain which I didnt really make, but hey I should get credit for putting it all together, including cutting and knotting the string, finding that circle thing by pulling apart my necklace (sob) and finding the teddy bear. Uh huh.

My hairclip, which i love. (Left to right) The green Pacman, the shiny star, a pink button, the letters DEA, two small keys and some beads you cant really see.

My seclusive, small, abandoned bead box.

The er... peg that failed. A brown button I love, a slightly munted Pacman and this pink kind of bead thing from a bracelet ages ago.

My cellphone chain I bought on the streets in Korea. There was a whole shop of them, it was so cool! I love dolls that look like this with button eyes, my friend bought me these pens with them (I'll take a photo of them next time). My friends think they're a little creepy but I loveeee them!

My still gluey fingers. Ew. Please peel off by the morning.

The whole collection.
 The two last photos that I uploaded are photos of this blue beetle that I saw while I was walking a few days ago. I immediately fell in love with it. It had that vintage air to it, just enough scratches, a nice baby blue etc. It was a beauty so I couldnt resist but take a photo. I'd forgotten about it until I read someone's blogs about beetles so I thought that I should put it up. My dream car- if I could actually drive.

Not nice lighting, but you can tell that the car is CUTE.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

A piece of my mind.

Sorry about the flash and blurriness, I wanted to show what I was thinking, but it hasn't come out too well. Oh well, I hope you still appreciate it.