
Monday, March 14, 2011


Weeeeeeell, today is my birthday! I don't really like birthdays, because apart from being born, that's really it. So here are some other things that are on my birthday!

1. 1879- Albert Einstein is born on my birthday! That makes me feel pretty smart, even though I'm not.
Nice hair-do, Albert.
2. 1933- Balto, the Siberian Husky that is known for his 1925 serum run to Nome, died on my birthday. Which is pretty sad, because he was an awesome dog. You should see the movie, it's awesome.
I wish I had a dog like him.
3. Pi Day- a national day for the math symbol, pi (sorry, I dont know how to actually do the small symbol.) It's on today, because 3.14 stands for March, the fourteen. Pretty cool aye? And I love pie, which you could probably tell by my URL so my favourite number is now 3.14.
Mmmm... yummy!
4. Last, but not least, is White Day- a day in Korea and I think Japan that is just like Valentine's day. Valentines day, in Korea (Japan might be the opposite, I'm not quite sure) is a day where girls giveguys chocolates out of love, friendship etc. On the other hand, there is White day, a month after Valentines day which is when the guy is expected to repay the offer, by giving a girl sweets. There's also Black day, on April the 14th where single people go out with their friends and have black noodles... only they aren't actually black dont worry. And they taste good too.

How white day is celebrated in stores.

Even Coke is celebrating it!
So, what did I do today? I had a picnic with my friends, who gave me ballons and presents. It was really fun, but kind of too hot. I'll see if I can download some photos.
I would add photos of me and my friends, but if I did that wouldn't be so anonymous would it...

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