
Saturday, March 12, 2011


Since I cant really be bothered with writing my thoughts into paragraphs, deciding whether each idea links to the other etc, I'm just going to write them in lists, okay?

  1. My thoughts are with Japan, who have recently had an 8.9 magnitude of an earthquake, and other earthquakes which have triggered an tsunami which has probably left hundreds killed and missing, not only homeless. I saw the news, and there even was FIRE on the tsunami. I did not know that was possible. Now, my own suburb's earthquake seems small, and I hope that Japan can pull through this. Which reminds me, 2012 seems to be coming nearer, whether you believe in this or not. We'll be praying for you Japan. 
  2. Yesterday, I was helping Duckiee with her art homework, which lead to my huge headache, which is still here even though I woke up at 3:15pm. Perhaps watching TBBT till 3 wasn't a good idea. 
  3. I've been eating less lately, and it's not like I even try. It's really weird. Like for example one day I only ate an apple and rice? But that doesn't mean that I've been losing weight, because one of the things I like to do the most is: snack. My friend bought me for my birthday a huge tin of wafer sticks, in chocolate, vanilla and cappuccino. Who can really resist? Oh, and I dont exercise apart from sometimes walking to the mall, which takes around 30-1hour walking there and back. Plus all the walking in the mall gives me feet cramps.
  4. It's nearly my birthday, but all these disasters are giving me a little bit down. Actually, I've always treated my birthday just as any day, because it isn't thaaaaat important. Like, I don't like having parties or anything.  There is one thing I want though. You know Lego toys? Well I was walking around Kmart when I saw this huge Lego head. You can open it, and put anything in it! (Actually, it's for putting Lego in but whateever.) I fell in love with it, and I'm currently trying to save up for it. Here it is:
the lego head-isn't it cooool?
Lego sushi, mmmm
and last but not least, Mona Lisa!

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A ramble of your thoughts about a ramble of my thoughts-