
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time Capsule

Do you know what I hate? When I go to find blogs, and all I find is blogs of a) babies, b) food and c) more babies and families.While I like food, and babies (wait, that might be a lie. It's not that I don't like babies, it's just that they don't like me.) I don't see why nearly all the blogs have to be about Bob, and how he ate a pie (can babies eat pies?). Now that I think about it, when I'm married and have a child, I too will probably be wanting to have a blog about my child/ren. It's pretty normal, kind of like a photo album and a dairy stuck together online, it's just that... it's so annoying!

If my older self somehow finds this blog, and to this post, here are a few things that I hope have changed, and a few things that I hope hasn't changed.

  • Number one, don't ever type in 'human puppet' in Google. Trust me, you don't want to. You end up screaming, and getting a book to cover up the image while you're trying to exit out of it. Also your friend ends up laughing on the ground as you desperately go out of it. 
  • Hit the friend who made you type it in the first place. 
  • Hate avocado.
  • Lose some weight.
  • Be taller than your sister. 165cm. That may not sound tall, but it is for Korean people.
That's all I can think of, actually. I'll edit this later, and add on some more things later on. 

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  1. I completely agree, It's practically impossible to find interesting blogs. They're either about families, religion, politics, or they're too smart for me. lol. (not hard to accomplish I suppose) =)

  2. I know aye, it's only by a random chance that I find some interesting blogs. Theres also sports and art blogs, although some of the art ones are incredible :)


A ramble of your thoughts about a ramble of my thoughts-