
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Now that I remember, the whole reason for me going onto blogger was because I wanted to tell you my new craze but I forgot about it when I found outallthehomeworkihavetodo-

Never mind. The point is, since last year there's been this show that I've been wanting to watch, and for the past two weeks I've watched like 3 episodes of it so today I went into youtube and watched a whole lot. And I laughed so much, actual LOL.

It is The Big Bang Theory, and ohmygosh, that is a piece of art. Hilarious, and IloveSheldon! He is so cool, and the whole "*knock knock* Penny! *knock knock* Penny! *knock knock* Penny!" Also the bazinga is pretty cool too.

My friends going to give me the seasons of it because I cant find any of the episodes on the net, so oh yeah! It's very cool, although I cant understand half the things they say.

Oh well.

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