Sunday, November 6, 2011
So... hungry (but it's 3:09am here)
However, I could have today but instead I just surfed the web and did no revision.
I'll just panic about it tomorrow.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
And this time, I've only done 2 hours of revising. However in the state I'm in (lack of concentration from lack of sleep) I don't think I can study so just going to do latin translation, memories countries/cities for social studies then sleep. Okay.
Things I have done today:
- english- lay out my themes, characters, symbolisms for my essay
- done two pages in my language book and revised the close reading terms
- done my 1-day worth of math
- only two pages of science revision sheet (I told you, I'm sleep deprived)
- Watched 10 episodes of an anime.
And when I start at that time, I become all sleepy and blaaah so by the time I've done 3 and a half hours of work I've hardly done anything. It's very sad.
I should do my english revision today as well but I'm just knackered so I'm just going to fill out my english booklet, read over my latin notes and go to sleep.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Exam revision is killing me
Of course, this is now procrastination usually starts; I'll do it later.
Warning: Serious boringness coming ahead.
I read my old posts last night, and I was a little ashamed at some of the posts I wrote. This is a blog where there is no judging, yet I still did some discrimination no matter how small it was. I really am still immature.
So how was my day?
I woke up at 8:00am today, got out of bed and washed my face. After shoving my contacts into my eyes for like 5 minutes (it seriously wouldn't go in), I got changed into my tight uniform. Obviously I need to slim down, but I'm far too lazy to actually lose weight.
Got ready at 8:30am and walked to school for like 5minutes. School was pretty good; especially last period in P.E. Yes, normally I hate P.E but we got to basically do whatever we wanted to do so my friend and I played volleyball and it was good fun. Oh, and I learnt that I have long arms.
I came back home sweating, so I took a shower which was really NICE. Seriously it's so hot here I think I'm going to meeeelt.
And now I'm on the computer. And probably will be until it's 8:30pm and then I'll start my revision for my exams even though I should really start earlier as they're next week.
Then I'll sleep probably after 2am and another day will start.
That's all for now I guess. Goodbye,
Quick rant before I go off
It's Halloween today
Things look different; I mean even the font and layout looks different although I think it's just me hallucinating. I've changed too although I'm not sure whether it's for the better or not- the old me would have cringed to see how I am now, but standing in my shoes right now the world doesn't look so bad. I like the shoes I'm in right now.
(Excuse my strange rambling.)
Some (or none) may ask why I never go on my blog now. Pure laziness? Not really; I am lazy but I find time to go on the computer. I think that maybe, maybe my time for now has gone with Blogger, and soon maybe in weeks, months, hopefully not years I will come back to it. I don't really know.
I really like Blogger. It was almost like my journal; somewhere I could just spill my thoughts on, somewhere no one else would see. It didn't matter that I was alone because that was the whole point. Just me with myself.
Gosh this sounds like I'm saying goodbye. But I'm not. I mean, heck I might even go back onto Blogger this week again because writing right now in such a long time feels good. Or maybe not. I don't know; I just don't want to make any promises that I can't keep.
I'll see you guys soon.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Electricity problem
ㄱIts 9:30pm and we havent had any power in our house since three the latest...
It wasn too bad until i realised that i cannot do any homework because a) its on the computer or b) i cant see anything.
Bah humbug.
Its now 5.07am and I should go to sleep. I accidentally slept at 11 waiting for the electricity man and woke up at two to revise for my test. Which i did for like thirty minutes...
So ive been surfing the web the whole time on my phone and i guess i should go to sleep now. The moral of this random story?
Make sure you always have batteries in your torches. Or better, have electricity because it can get annoying.
Anyways goodnight/morning!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Oh how lazy I am.
Because it's been snowing...
It's snowed twice this year, which is awesome since it didn't snow last year or the year before. When my friends and I found out that it was going to snow again, we started to dance.
I seriously love snow, or at least for the first few days. I mean, it may be freezing cold but you can have snow ball fights, make snowgirls and even skip school.
However, it wasn't until today when reality hit me-snow doesn't last forever.
Which means...
I checked my school website, and I didn't realise that my teachers had put up homework for us. Shit.
School meant sleeping early and waking up early, or most likely sleeping late and waking up early. Or not sleeping at all.
Tomorrow morning, I was probably going to be like this:
In class I'm probably going to be so sleepy that I look like this...
Sleeping becomes an addiction. In morning tea and lunch time that's all I pretty much do, while listening to music.
And when I get home... well I would sleep more if I could but no, I then have HOMEWORK.
The only solution to this is...for it to snow.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Don't worry, my cheese toastie didn't burn
Monday, July 25, 2011
I cant believe it... Last night i went to open the door for my mum and what do i see? Hundreds of small little flakes, not the pathetic annoying hail we got in the morning.
It is a July miracle- we havent had snow in like four or three years here. And its not as much as what i saw in Korea but its more exciting because its not common here.
Well im trying to not touch it too much because dirty snow is so un pure looking and kinda gross... But soon i wont be able to resist!
(no that isnt a random picture of my finger im trying to show how deep it is.)

Sunday, July 24, 2011
with yes, something that my friends find strange, and annoying but I don't think I'm going to be stopping any soon, despite whether I want to or not. However, it will cool down in a week or so, so you'll be seeing my face soon...
unless this new obsession of mine takes over my life.
At that point, there is no hope.
(HAHAHA! I think only I can understand what I'm talking about...)
Friday, July 22, 2011
That empty feeling in your stomache and you dont know why...
And you just feel so sad and a tear rolls down.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Mario, Pokemon, Harry Potter, my desk, spelling errors and more procrasinating...
I think the title describes it all... But basically my days have been average, drawing in my science books, knitting things for my cactus and etc. However when my sister came over she pointed out to me that i had spelt Judge wrong the whole time. Before it had been Jugde.
I was blown away. HOW HAD I NOT REALISED?!
As i write this im actually procrasinating to not study for my latn test tomorrow. Its just so annoying but luckily i finish school in two days.
Harry Potter is coming out soon... Actually maybe it comes out tomorrow. Anyways i am very excited for it but slightly sad as if i realised that i am growing up...
Another fact; my friend and the guy whoses three years older and liked her and who i talked about in my blog kissed. Or more accurately he kissed her. But is there a big difference?
Seriously my mind has blown up again. What is coming of this world?
P.S i drew Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, the star and the poke ball, and the writing with my left hand. Did i tell you im teaching myself to write with my left hand?

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Dear Mr Procrastination,
Things are about to change.
I am not going to let you bully me into the wonderful goodness of being lazy, and surfing the net to find out some shit I don't need. No matter how fun you are.
I'VE HAD ENOUGH. I'm going to be that good girl my mummy thinks I am, and behave myself.
Okay fine, you caught me red-handed once again, but I swear it wasn't my fault! It was just that looking at (enter celebrity crush's name) was so fun, and I forgot to do my english/math/science/social studies/or all the above homework and by the time I realised I hadn't done my homework it was 12am.
I'm sorry, I'll try harder. Okay, I know I always say that, but I'll change! I'll turn into a different person! Just don't leave me, because I don't know what I'd do without you.
Anonymous (and those other people who procrastinate).
P.S I wonder why I made Procrastination a man...?
Monday, July 4, 2011
Celebrity crushes and bruises
The only minus is, that you often get hit with the ball, especially on the shin and stomach like me.
However, on a brighter note I have gotten a new crush... A CELEBRITY CRUSH.
(Oh yes, I have swooped this low.) And lets just say that he's my little baby monkey
Friday, July 1, 2011
Yogurt skin/hair care
So basically all week ive been doing this thing that i saw on bubzbeauty which is this yogurt skin/hair care and all you need is, well obviously yogurt. I cant be bothered to write down how to do it so il post the video insid here.
What i noticed about the yogurt face pack thin is that it made my skin naturally more soft and moisturised? Also it went a little more whiter which was nice.
The hair one, which i did tonight i cant really tell because i got magic straight which makes your hair look sliky and helthy anyway. But at least it hasnt made it worse.
So my friend (the one who made my mind explodee) just came back on her sorta date with the guy whoses three or so years older. And hes actually okay nd nice even though he looks like a player. But as i say, dont judge.
So she had a good night while where was i? Oh yes watching youtube videos. Haha nah i actually like staying home and bumming around. Which is starting to become worring...
So anywau i hope her and the guy turn out well and because my fingers and eyes are sore im going to sleep. Night night!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Latin teachers are creepy.
My latin teacher is slightly pedophile ish.
And also seems to be into bribery...

Monday, June 27, 2011
I love you God
I wanted to text about it but because I was on my phone my fingers hurt and I was incredibly tired, so I decided to just write a draft copy and edit it the day after which is NOW.
So on Sunday a couple of friends and I decided to go to a church service kind of thing, which we heard Jayesslee were performing! Duckiee and I LOVE THEM! We love their voice and their humor. They're also my friend's idol because she too wants to sing, play the guitar and perform.
So if you don't know them here's a video:
SO they're Christian which I find really cool! And they sing amazing, even better in person. I was so excited when I saw them, and wanted to talk to them but... (I'll explain later)
Anyways, so they sang and already after the second song I was in tears! And yes, I have been emotional lately but also because she sang a song she wrote herself and wow. The lyrics spoke to the heart, and it was a song that everyone could relate to. I especially could because on friday I had a sort of fight with a friend.
(Btw it's called Failure in Disguise)
I won't go explain what this sort of fight was about, but basically it left us in a awkward situation and I felt so crap because I had just gotten a not achieved mark in social studies, and almost as if a trigger was pushed I started crying, which was pretty embarrassing as I was at school. Long story into short, we were okay but I still felt awful because to me it seemed like it was all my fault (to which my friend (not the one I fought with)said that although i kind of accidentally started it, I didn't mean to and my other friend didn't exactly react how she should have.) The whole weekend I was feeling sick about it, and regretful.
Back to Sunday night, as I heard this song I could feel that it related to me, because I've felt lonely, alone so many times. Also this one line , 'Have you ever felt like you just stepped over the line, and then did you just pretend everything was fine' related to the fight I had. It was just so... coincidental.
Then we had the priest and he was the best priest I had ever heard! As you may know, I'm Korean but I speak English so much better. And it's always been awkward for me when you get those tests and it's like are you english or asian and your like umm.... Because although I love Korea and am Korean, I feel like I'm more english because I've been living in a english-speaking country for so long. It gets really confusing and annoying, and this man also knew how we felt because he was like that too. He also spoke in english and I could actually understand. He was really inspiring, funny, and his dedication to God was just so... strong and it made me a little weepy. He also said really important stuff, like how some people don't know how much they're worth, and that everyone is priceless because they cost as much as the blood that Jesus bleed when dying for our sins. That wasn't the only thing that was awesome, but seeing how many people were dedicated to God and loved him was just... I don't really know how to sum it up but it made me all teary, and smiley. Overall, it was such a great experience and I felt so good and happy after it.
The only downside was that after it I really wanted to talk and get a signature from Janice and Sonia but we had to go so I was so disappointed! But I didn't mind too much, because the evening had been so amazing.
Anyways, I'm sorry for not writing in as much detail as I wanted to, but it was just too hard to (edit: just re-read this post and decided it was too long. Ops.). And to end this blogpost, I will put up a photo that includes Pokemon and God=absolute coolness.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I got wifi!
Weeeeeeell, i got this new phone since last wek and ever sincr ive been trying to get wifi. Becuase, you know whats the point of having a smart phone without wifi?
Finally, i did end up getting wifi... But made my interne screwy up. So as i speak theres a man who looks strangely likw mychonny from youtube. Hm.
So anyway i am blogging on my phone and all i can do is SQUEAL
Friday, June 17, 2011
If I die young
I think that the girl singing this is really pretty, and cute! But that's not what matters, she has a really nice voice (she does country music), and amazing lyrics.
My favourite line is this one:
Funny when your dead how people start listening.
That is really true. Because, often you hear someone who passed away, and someones I think to myself, 'why is it that only now they're getting the attention?' I mean, don't get me wrong, death is a big thing, but shouldn't everyone have taken notice of these people just as much when they were alive?
It seems kind of... wrong?
If I ever died, I would love to have this song played, just because it's so good.
Note- I just re-read this and thought of something else. When people die, you know how people say that you don't realise how much they needed them until they died? Perhaps that's what she meant by, funny when your dead how people start listening. It's when your gone, when people remember you the most.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
You know life is weird when your sipping corn juice.
Trust me, it was close to heaven, minus the whole marshmallows spilling out and almost burning my tounge.
Earthquake break is over, time for school again.
Oh, bundles of joy.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Aftershocks suck.
gihgpi2bvinv qeihgqRUMBLEEEEEE
Yes, another aftershock, only a pretty big one.
We got sent home.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A disturb(ed?) mind.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Back to school tomorrow
A card my best friend drew for me! It says love btw, isn't it nice? |
Goodbye, freedom. The Queen's Birthday was good while it lasted.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
What is happiness?
I've been thinking this inside my head lately, but I was just afraid of jinxing it, because although I believe in God I still kind of believe in those small silly things, like if I put my right contact in first, then it'll be a bad day. And if I say I'm happy, someone will come along and decide, hey she looks too happy lets punish her for it. But I'm pretty sure I'm the one that decides my future, not a magic ball.
I also read this book called Happy Kid! about a guy who can never see the bright side. In the end, he starts to get optimistic, like if he does bad in a test, he thinks that maybe he can do better next time.
So is my life getting better, or am I just thinking it? I'm not quite sure, but I know I don't want it to end.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Parabola's suck.
The Sharpie Rub-a-Dub Laundry Marker is good, because:
- it won't rub off in the wash
- so it's basically waterproof
- perfect for marking fabrics
I'll take a picture when I buy the sharpie and decorate my shoes!
Also, I've grown to hate parabola's.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sharpies, spaghetti and Pac-man
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I got the Ultra fine point sharpie, but I also want to get the fine point sharpie, or maybe the Twin tip sharpie. The only reason why I didn't get the big ones is because they smelt... |
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Probably how my visual diary will end up looking like... but hopefully full of creative stuff! |
While I was looking at videos of other people's doodles, I came along this video- it's uber cool! I would love to video, or do stuff like this.
Another cool one also by PES is this:
Monday, May 30, 2011
Why me?
Why, why did I not have the common sense to know this?
Why did it have to be me?
And why did my maths teacher have to tell me this?!
Now, for at least this whole week I will be wondering whether I will die or not.
Damn you nice hot pools.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Something I learnt today...
How did I learn to spell pineapple only today?
Friday, May 27, 2011
Cereal and yogurt tastes gooood
I had church today, and we have to kind of mini, super mini concert where we had to dance etc and it was pretty uber fun. The thing that touched me the most was when we had to pray, and this guy who is like always poker faced, and you don't know if he can really understand love, etc started crying when he has praying with his mum. And no, not in like a 'Mummy, this kid stole my cookie' way, but in a really mature, understanding way. I am beginning to see a pattern in what I see.
My cold's gotten better, and hardly any sniffing now. YAY
However, today I got my graphics mark back and I got three Achieveds! I mean, c'mon! I work quite hard on my project so it kind of crushed me. But I can always get better.
Another thing that peeved me off was how I didn't do art this year, and finding out today one of my friends *Rose is doing it! Rose is really funny, and not serious and a good friend so I was like AAAAAH why did I choose graphics and choose to be alone instead of doing art, drawing and being with someone I know? I so should have listened to my friends.
- latin translation
- socstudies U.S Border Patrol poster
- maths sheet
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The end results...
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! It looks like a scary, creepy version of Spongebob. Ooooops.
Well I am proud of myself, and it looks so funny that I can't hate it. I especially love the eyes.
Happy Birthday my dear friend!
I'm almost ashamed to take a photo of it after I make it (I'm still working on it after 3 hours) but I will. Hope you get a laugh out of it at least.
At least it'll taste good!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A few notes...
Monday, May 23, 2011
Something Interesting I found out about
So, I noticed something weird a few days ago. You know when you watch a speech you usually look at them? Well I ended up staring at someone's hands, and although they were completely confident, and calm their hands were shaking so much. And when my friend did hers, her hands were almost dancing. Even another one of my friends who is so laid back and casual had her hands shaking.
I actually don't know why I'm sharing this. It just seemed, kind of... interesting, almost as if things aren't as they seem, and everyone is similar inside.
We all get nervous at some point.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A strange thing about me....
Not ants, not speeches (btw I did mine today) and not blood.
It is, infact, SCABS.
Seriously, I do not even know why I am so scared/grossed out/fascinated about scabs. It started when I was around 8 years old. I always got scabs on my legs,which all have a background story to it, but that will be another post. Then, I think it began when I was in the classroom and saw a bone marrow. I don't know why, but the bone marrow reminded me of scabs, and the thought of scabs suddenly made me feel all jittery, and creeped out and fgjdgfdjgljhprwjhs. Ever since, bone marrow, the little cracks on maps and other stuff have creeped me out, just because they reminded me of scabs.
Strange, huh?
Monday, May 16, 2011
Spongebob and Domo
We're learning a dance at church for this thing, and my muscles ache. And we have cross country on wednesday YIPPIE.
School was pretty decent, apart from one small thing; I was about to leave graphics when my old-friend-i-don't-talk-to-but-i-wish-we-did was like, "Melanie? You have masking tape on your back."
And when I reached my back, there it was! Hello masking tape, which someone stuck on my back! Awesome! NOT. But it didn't really make me angry/upset, for some reason because I'm just over those things. Also I love sticking masking tape on my friends. So that was my conversation with her, and I think I'm starting to not get bothered by the fact that we were once good friends. Clap for me!
It's almost my friends birthday, and one of the things I'm getting her is-well I want to bake a Spongebob cake for her! She LOVEEEES Spongebob like me, so I'm thinking of a marble cake inside and then you know yellow icing, and those icing pens.
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I think I might make the holes not green, but apart from that this is basically how I want it to look! |
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CUTE aye? |
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Hasta... pasta?
I don't know why, but the latin word hasta reminds me of pasta, which reminds me of the actual meaning- spear. Why? I don't know.
I should be doing my homework since 5-it's now 6.33pm- but I'm just such a procrasinator.We have this speech due on Monday, and we had all last week to do it. In that time I was busy thinking of a topic to do it on! Meanwhile, a girl next to me in science has not only researched her topic, but has also written it out.Plus, she was away for that whole week last week. I mean, why can't I be like that?
I'm doing mine on women's rights, so at least I've chosen what to do! But I also have maths test tomorrow, social studies homework, science homework, and two latin tests on culture and language coming up. It's as if all the teachers decided to gang up, eh? Which reminds me...
I did not choose latin as my topic to see LEECHES, MAGGOTS, CHOPPED OFF FINGERS, AND BLOOD. Oh, and infections on foots! Leeches were the worst, but maggots?! Especially on the wound, it looks like a scab and everyone I know knows I HATE scabs. It's hard to say, but if I had a phobia it would be on scabs.
I also know I will never be a doctor. My friend says I will be one of those artistic homeless people that draw on the ground.
Whatever. I actually do make a good homeless person but I want to get a good job I like when I'm older and see the world, not the same street over and over again!
Like I said, I've been doodling a little in lunch and once I've finished a page I'll send a picture onto this!
So... I guess it's goodbye until I log back on!
Monday, May 9, 2011
So this video is A Big Bang Theory video, with doodles and I was just bored so I was looking up doodles on Youtube. There are so many amazing ones up there! I myself am a doodler, and I even have a doodling notebook that I doodle in at school.
So watch it!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Okay I have now learnt how to make posts via my email address!
This will come in handy.... I think.
Actually I don't have any sorrows (not really) but whats better to take your sorrows away than diet coke and a good dose of blogging?
Ham. Damn I shouldn't have asked that rhetorical question. Ham, not cooked, and some peanut buttercups, manderines...
STOP. Anyway my point is that, I'm going to blog more often, because I need to take my stress of school. Oh yeah, school was pretty average today. Not bad, just a typical day. Some laughs, some irritations. Typicaaaal.
So here are my rambles for the day:
Why why WHY do I hate tumblr? Actually hate is a too strong word. I... despite tumblr a little. I like the pretty pictures, and basically everything. But why do I feel so strongly about it?
Idontreallyknow, but something makes me cringe whenever I see the supposedly 'unique' style of photos, of girls with long wavy hair with the jack union singlet and super ripped high wasted shorts and vintage background. I'm actual a big fan of vintage. But these people? It's seems like as if they... make a mockery to vintage things, making it old (like as in overused) and try too hard. Am I being too harsh? Well this is my blog so oh well. I don't know, it just really bugs me. (However, not as much as this person who make a tumblr on tumblr about hating tumblr.)
I heard that Tumblr didn't use to be like this, it was filled with people who used it as their hobby, something close to them yaddi dah. Now, they can hardly do whatever they want to do because so many people they know/hate do it, because it's the new 'big' thing.
I just read someones blog also about how they hate Tumblr, because of all the try hard people. What word did they use? Oh yes, 'hipster.' I feel sorry for the people who use Tumblr not because it is 'cool', but because it's important to them, where they can confide in not just some showy off place. Where it's kind of like a blog, a diary to them.
So the photography are fine, some amazing, and yeah. But please don't be a try hard and a fake.
P.S I HATE IT when people type or text 'k' or 'lol.' I mean, whathefrack? Laughing out loud? With a dot? What is there to laugh about? And how am I suppose to reply to that? You can see why I don't reply back often.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I mean, it's the thing that most people love, crave for more and need. And sleep works in mysterious ways. For example, one night I might have slept 4 hours and be happy (unlikely) but I might've slept 10 hours in another night and be sleepy and tired the whole day.See? I wish I could organize how much sleep I get.
As it's been the holidays, I've been sleeping at 12 and waking up at 12. I'm telling you, it's like heaven. But tomorrow I start school so I'm sleeping at 9pm. I know. But tomorrow I have to wake up at
8 and do all my typical school crap and act all nice and cheery for 11 WEEKS.
Two week holidays are so not enough. Wish me luck tomorrow!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Knitting, a few cookies and TBBT
Right now, I've begun knitting my friend a scarf- and I think I'm getting kind of good! Here's a photo of how it' going to look:
(I just went upstairs to get my camera when it was actually downstairs...)
It's actually more of a darker pinkish red, but yeah! I'm proud of myself though yay!
(Oh gosh, I hope I don't turn into one of those knitting blogs...)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
So here's the quote, which I chose because I've been telling my friend this a lot.
"Shoulda, coulda, woulda. It's so easy in the past tense. "No point in regretting the past, because all that complaining isn't going to do anything apart from give you a headache. And nothing changes, unless you actually do something instead of thinking.
(Sorry, I just came back from the mall and I'm feeling exhausted. I'll edit this in a few hours.)
Monday, April 18, 2011
That feeling...
I wish there was such job as eating chocolates while writing about your sad life. Because I would be very good at that.
Hot water bottles, knitting needles and a box of tissues.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Yesturday was yes, my last day of school * SQUEAL*
Sadly, not my last forever, just you know, until my 2 weeks end.
I was going to go to Duckiee's house to do some cooking yesturday but I couldn't be stuffed because it was too complicated. I sound like a nice friend right? Don't worry, me and her have this strange friendship where we say whatever we want.
Anyway, so instead of baking, I spent all yesterday watching some drama episodes, until like 12:30 not kidding. By then I was kinda tired, and then I looked beside to the tv and realised oh dear. Because what was on was this korean thiller drama and I hate scary stuff. Only this drama wasn't actually graphically haunting, it was just...freaky.Like you didn't know what was going to happen next.
(So after that around 1 I slowly got to my bed and read until 3 and was freaking out that I might get nightmares. Typically of me, I slept like a baby.)
Here's my FRIDAY NIGHT QUOTE that I forgot to send yesterday because I was too engaged in the scary drama.
'But if everything was always smooth and perfect, you'd get too used to that, you know? You have to have a little bit of disorganization now and then. Otherwise, you'll never really enjoy it when things go right.'Imagine having perfect control over your life, no mess ups at all. Your shirts were always clean, your face never had milk around your mouth, and your hair always looked perfect. Sounds great, huh? But we don't have a magical fairy who does those kind of things for us. Just like Macy in The Truth about Forever, you'll focus on being perfect, and become narrow minded, and not actually enjoy how perfect your life is. That's why I kind of like having a messy bedroom. Sure, it can make you feel kinda messy but it's full of surprises, like one day you might find that missing sock, or another day you might find some money. And when you get your bedroom finally clean, you have that feeling of achievement. Until that is, you get your room messy again.
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I want my room like this... |
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
They're called cakepops, and they're basically like cake crumbs smashed together with frosting and then dipped with chocolate or whatever and stuck on a stick I think. Aren't they cute?
Obviously ours won't be as super caaaawte as these, but I'm hoping they'll at least be recognizable! We're thinking of maybe easter egg and bunny shaped ones to give to our church and maybe some other ones just for us. I'll upload photos if they end up okay!
Now I really should study for my English test, only I can't really be bothered. But after tomorrow is the last day of school so yippieee!
(Doom? I meant freedom...)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Dodgeball is fuuuun.
Today was mufti day, which was pretty cool. In the morning I was doing that whole panicking thing where your like, 'IS IT MUFTI OR NOT?!'
(Luckily, it was.)
School's been pretty good, like not bad but not looking forward, simply just because I'm lazy. I have to go to school blind now because I can't wear my contacts, but I bring my glasses just in case.
At the end of school, we had P.E which was really annoying at the beginning because we had to change our nice clothes into yucky P.E clothes. But then we played Dodgeball which got us pretty hyped up, and even though I couldn't see well I still hit some people.
And then we played the coolest game ever.
It's called Cone something, and it's when you have a cone in the middle of the gym and a lot of dodgeballs. There's four groups, and each group stands outside this square (the cone is inside the square) on each edge. The aim is to hit the cone and try and get it to someone else's line. It sounds simple, but it is puuuuuuureee genius.
I've got to go now, I have to do my homework. (Also my mum is yelling at me because I haven't start on my homework. Also because I left on the straighter on the whole day.)
Friday, April 8, 2011
But strangely, my mother is not home right now to pick me up to my doctor's appointment.
So I'm just quietly panicking and just blogging as usual. So why do I have to go to the doctors?
It happened last thursday. I was out with my friends and my right eye was starting to get irritated and itchy. I told my friends, who pretended to not hear me and dragged me somewhere else. By the time I came home my eyes were okay, but still itchy.
For the next few days, my right eye got a little swollen. I thought, oh it'll go away.
But is hasn't and it has gotten HUGE I TELL YOU. Everyone was like "What happened? Did you get beat up?"
I would post a photo of it, but that might be a little... gross. But I can tell you that it is like a small rock is inside my eyelid, that it's bumpy, red and BULGY!
Okay, my rant is over. And while I'm waiting, I might as well just do my quote. Yeees, it is QUOTE NIGHT (actually evening) yay! I was going to do it while I was doing my homework, but I have a LOT of english homework so maybe not?
"Because this is what happens when you try to run from the past. It just doesn’t catch up, it overtakes … blotting out the future."
Okay, now what I'm about to say doesn't sound that important or relevant to this quote, but it's been bothering me A LOT. So. I have this 'friend', who I might've rant on about few times. Actually, she's not even a friend, she's a... acquaintance. A memory, a past. Someone who I used to share my laughs and thoughts with.
The person I'm talking about is a girl I used to be friends with in primary school. We were in the same class in year 6, and my strange buddy. She was smiley, reminded me of bunny and I went to the disco with her.
After primary, I went to a different school than all my other friends, including her. I still talked to her, emailing and stuff, and slowly we rarely talked. We were still friendly, just not close.
In high school, I found out that she was going to the same school as me. I can't remember actually what I felt like, but I think I was happy.
School started, and we said hi to each other, and talked a little. But slowly we realized that we were living totally different lives if you get what I mean. For example, she wore eyeliner, dyed her hair, and hung out with the girls who swore loudly, wore stretchers and got drunk in the weekends. My friends are more well, homey and although they're not nerds, they don't bunk and swear a teachers. It was just jam and nutella- they're both good, but sick together.
We still said hi as we past each other, but something was different. We were both in the same art class last year, and we sat in opposite directions. Sometimes we said hi, sometimes we ignored each other. It was just all weird.
It got even weirder this year. I swapped art to graphics, and I was in the same class as her again! I remember thinking, 'what the frick....?' And now we ignore yet still say hi to each other. It's as if theres an invisible wall between each other. I don't know what she thinks, but I find it kinda awkward.
Actually, that's something I would like to know. What does she think of me? I know it doesn't really matter, but it would be interesting. Does she think I'm funny, smiley? Or does she think I'm depressed and lonely? Do I look like a freak or just normal? And now I wonder, does she think of what I think of her?
In Health, we were talking at relationships, not just dating ones but family and friendships. We were talking about what ends a relationship and the teacher was talking about lack of communication, misunderstandings or just simply growing apart and thats when I thought of her. It's not like we had a fight, jealous of each other, it's just that we've drifted away, because we're not part of each others future. She's my past, and I'm her past and whether we want to forget or not we will remember each other because we were a part of each other's past.
And right now what's happening to me is that I can't seem to just take in my past, and get over it. I have too many grudges, queries and thoughts. Like, 'what happened that made us like this?' and 'why can't I just pretend she's a stranger?'. It's the same with Voldemort. She's my friend, but I can't just forgive her for all the damage she did to me, whether she meant it or not. It's always going to be there, whether I want it to be or not. I just don't know.
But I do know what this quote means; if you don't just accept facts and get over your past, you will never be able to get away from it. It will always be there at the back of your mind, taunting you until you can't think of anything else.
So learn to get along with your past, because whether you accept the facts or not, she's still not your friend anymore.